"The House of a Friend" & other drabbles by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Written for the Petrology Challenge at Tolkien Weekly on LiveJournal  and also for SWG for Akallabeth in August

True drabbles (100 words according to MS Word)



Fanwork Information


The friendship of Narvi and Celebrimbor: Narvi and Celebrimbor work on the Doors of Moria and other scenes.

Now added: Exploring Upwards (extra double drabble)

Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Dwarves

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet

Challenges: Akallabêth in August

Rating: General


Chapters: 8 Word Count: 953
Posted on 10 August 2013 Updated on 4 September 2022

This fanwork is complete.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

For Zdenka, in response to her drabble Let the Star Rise: http://b2mem.livejournal.com/240741.html

Prompt: Chalk

Prompt: Obsidian

Prompt: Granite

Bonus chapter--not a fixed-length ficlet.

What it says on the tin.

Gen, no warnings.


Celebrimbor and Narvi, working on the Gates of Moria, take a break and study the western sky.

Gen. No warnings.

During a more peaceful time in the Second Age, long before the dramatic chase of Gandalf after the fleeing Balrog and their duel above the clouds:

As well as showing Celebrimbor Mirrormere, Narvi also takes his friend up the legendary Endless Stair.

General Audiences (no warnings)

Comments on "The House of a Friend" & other drabbles

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Aww! I love this. I’ve always loved the fact that the star of Fëanor was on that door. It was a big influence on the way I have imagined a lot of elements in my personal canon for my stories. It cuts directly across the viewpoint of those who like to imagine that Celebrimbor spent his life hating that he was a descendant of Fëanor or ashamed of his heritage. It also is a big neon sign for other readers who who have little to no interest in the backstory to The Lord of the Rings

Thank you very much, Oshun!

I'm ashamed to say that it needed Zdenka to point out to me how significant the choice of Celebrimbor to include the Star on the Doors of Moria is. And there is also that lovely cadence to Gandalf saying: "And the Star of the House of Feanor"--he doesn't comment otherwise just then, but it makes me think of that other passage where he speaks of his longing to use the Palantir to perceive Feanor at work...

I'm glad you agree with Narvi here! You can still admire things together and be sharing their beauty, even if you're not seeing quite the same thing!

I tried to track down the infrared idea, afterwards. I thought I remembered encountering it in a specific fic. But all I found out there on the interwebz was a discussion by Dungeons and Dragons gamers who speculated that D & D dwarves had got their special vision ultimately from Tolkien, somehow...



I'm glad you enjoyed the detail! Thank you!

Yes, their work will endure to be found and admired by Gandalf and the Fellowship, as a lasting memorial to friendship.

But of course there is also the loss of Eregion and Khazad-dum and the horror of Celebrimbor's fate, to offset all that.