"Fulgurite" and Other Drabbles by Dawn Felagund

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Out drinking with his buddies, young Curufin needs a place to pee.

prompt: alcohol, groups, bond, elimination

Celegorm, Curufin, Angrod, and Aegnor had left a scattering of alcohol bottles across the square when Curufin felt the sudden need for elimination.

“Oh.” He clamped his knees together. “Where--?”

It was an unfamiliar square, you see. Their group usually formalized their brotherly bond through drinking in the royal quarter, but Nolofinwë had lately grown irate with their mess and noise and spoken to his brothers.

Thankfully, helpful Aegnor—still soft with the sweetness of youth—pointed him to an appropriate shrub. As Curufin staggered off, Aegnor turned to his compatriots, doe-eyed with innocence, and added:

“That’s Elenwë’s window.”

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