"Fulgurite" and Other Drabbles by Dawn Felagund

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The Judge

In 5th Age Tirion, Caranthir is called to court to account for himself.

I was challenged to write a drabble in the Republic of Tirion series. This was harder than it seems. I ended up doing two perfect drabbles, side by side, each using one of two prompt sets.

court, sentencing, possible, division
given, field, equipment, wife

Quenya Names:
Carnistir = Caranthir
Nelyo = Maedhros

“Court” meant something different now, Carnistir learned. He expected his uncle and the usual profusion of glitz—he even wore a nicer-than-usual shirt out of a vestigial sense of respect—but he got a chintzy wooden room, a judge, a scribe, and—

His therapist.

“Do you know why you’re here?” He expected yelling but the judge was calm.

“I’ve been sentenced to therapy and. Um. I’ve missed a few.”

“Fourteen,” his therapist elaborated sweetly. “And the word is prescribed.

The judge lifted an eyebrow. Was it possible--? Yes! He knew her! But on what side of the division had—

She’d been one of Nelyo’s consultants. Wrote the document handing the crown to their uncle. She was the wife of some field commander, a blustery guy whose face and name drew a blank, who built siege equipment—

She’d be on his side, right?

Carnistir pretended to be Nelyo when he needed confidence. “I appreciate the second chance I’ve been given,” he said. “But this—” He gestured at his therapist. “It surely cannot be healthy to dwell upon past failings.”

She regarded him, this woman whom Nelyo trusted, literally, with his kingdom.

Then she said, “Go to your therapy, Carnistir.”

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