"Fulgurite" and Other Drabbles by Dawn Felagund

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Newlywed Fëanor and Nerdanel at work on a hot afternoon. Adultish.

prompt: old, afternoon, temperature, midnight

The afternoon grew old. Laurelin wilted and, north at Aulë’s halls, the brightest stars emerged as muffled specks.

Inside the forge, the temperature still simmered.

Fëanáro dragged an arm across his sweating forehead. The knife hilt was only half-done, and he was growing bored with the fine filigree work. It was beneath his skill. Opposite him, Nerdanel had a much more interesting project, casting a statue in bronze.

I would like to have her beneath my skill.

The thought startled him as though a spark had landed upon bare skin. As though she felt it too, she mouthed, “Midnight …”

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