"Fulgurite" and Other Drabbles by Dawn Felagund

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There was a discussion the other day on the SWG Discord about Elwing and whether she would have visited Elros in Númenor. This drabble takes on this idea, as Elwing first spies the ships approaching Númenor.

prompt: passing, ospreys, yellow, shadow

Elwing did not expect to miss the coast of Beleriand so much: the ospreys’ piping call, the checkboard of yellow sand and shadow upon the dunes, even the rotted-salt smell of the sea that she used to complain about.

Here, the sands were snow-white and slipped, shadowless, into a lapping, cerulean sea.

From her tower she could see far. She couldn’t explain how, but she looked to home often, to the housewives and sailors at their work.

Which is how she saw the ships, passing west, to a new island?

A small face at their helm. Returning home to her?

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