"Fulgurite" and Other Drabbles by Dawn Felagund

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A newly reembodied Celegorm receives his first lesson in his new life.

prompt: woodcraft, creature, command, garden

Even the light silk tunic hurt his new skin. Celegorm wriggled under it as he followed the stout little Maia out to the garden.

The trees here grew in spirals and sprays like fireworks. One waited for shaping. Celegorm looked around for a knife and wire to begin.

The Maia chuckled. “Oh no, the creatures here do not take commands. When I said ‘woodcraft’ …”

She placed his hands among the leaves. He forced himself not to wince. She pushed his mind, and he saw hands reaching, like fellowship at a feast—

He clasped them. The tree bent toward him.

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