A Purpose Beyond Beauty by just_jenni
Fanwork Notes
Posted as part of the Silmarillion40 event.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Melian realizes that she has a higher purpose of creation in the world. (One-shot) Major Characters: Estë, Lórien, Melian Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 510 |
Posted on 14 September 2017 | Updated on 14 September 2017 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1
Este observed Melian tending the gardens of Lorien while she waited on her island. Nightingales flitted about the Maia while she worked, the nondescript brown birds filling the air with their vibrant song.
Melian busied herself fashioning garlands of flowers in the trees, of myriad colors and scents and scattered many new floral creations upon the lawns and lake that surrounded Este's island for the Vala to marvel at.
To her spouse Irmo, Este often acknowledged how much she admired Melian's creations but her words on this day were tinged with a note of sadness.
"I fear our dear friend has become bored with her work here and a desire grows within her to go forth to find new challenges." Este's voice held a low tone which illustrated her sadness.
"Dear wife, please do not think or say these words," Irmo replied with concern deepening his voice. "I had never thought this about our dear friend and helper."
Este clicked her tongue. "Melian needs more than we can provide for her here," she said firmly. "She needs something new and that, I fear, shall soon be provided to her."
"I speak of the Quendi," she continued. "The new people whom Eru has promised will soon arrive in Arda. And the lands there which have been all but destroyed by the one I will not name...once Melian discovers what we know she will desire to go there by her own volition. She yearns to make things beautiful, to fulfill her vision of replicating the stars in various creations in other ways - you have seen the great Dome of Valmar that she decorated so beautifully - is it not breathtaking?"
"Yes, it is as you say, but I am adamant that I do not wish her to leave," Irmo began to protest. "I need her here, with us."
"No, my dear, we must let her go. In fact, I believe we would be powerless to stop her." Este spoke gently and lay a tender hand upon his arm.
"If what you say is true I will be deeply saddened beyond what I ever thought possible," Irmo lamented.
Este held him close and began to soothe him with gentle caresses.
Melian stopped her work when she noticed Irmo had slumped into Este's arms as if wounded. Alarmed, she flew to their side.
"Has something happened? Are you all right?" Melian's concern touched Este deeply and she took the Maia's hand.
"No," Este said firmly. "But please show me something, Melian," she said in a soft voice.
"Gladly," Melian replied, surprise causing her voice to rise. She looked between Este and Irmo, noticing the tears that streamed down his cheeks.
"Would you make me one special flower - just one - something unique, that can never be replicated. I shall treasure it for ever as a special memory of you, until the end of days."
"Why yes," Melian's eyes widened. "But why? May I ask where I am going?"
Este smiled and squeezed her hand ever tighter. "In time," she whispered. "In time..."
(1) Comment by oshun for A Purpose Beyond Beauty [Ch 1]
I've often wondered how Melian got from Aman to Middle-earth. This is a satisfying introduction to that story. (Of course, a longer one would be fabulous!)
Am I reading too much subtext into this story or are Irmo and Este part of a threesome in this version? I mean one could read them as simply very close, but I feel like I am picking up hints of more.
Yes. A very interesting back story for Melian and how she got to Middle-earth and had all of her terrible and wonderful adventures and changed the course of history. Thanks! You covered such a lot in a tiny story--the beauty of writing in a shared world.
Re: (1) Comment by oshun for A Purpose Beyond Beauty [Ch 1]
My other story for the Silm40 also concerns Melian. I've written about her before (with Irmo and Este too) ten years ago when I first got started. She's always been a favourite character and I'm still trying to figure her out.
While I had not intended for there to be a threesome with them, I do love the idea! I absolutely don't mind that you thought there might be some undercurrent of a suggestion there. Perhaps that's a tale for the future!
Thank you so much for your thought-provoking review! :)