Outsiders of Gondolin Mutual Defence League by Himring

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Sister Sword to Anglachel

Rog is not as wise as Melian, but he knows about swords.
The sword Anguirel catches his eye.

‘Let me see that sword of yours, young Maeglin,’ said Rog.

Anguirel, his father’s sword that Maeglin had stolen almost on impulse, noticing only later how the theft conflicted with his claim that he had outgrown Eol’s teaching. Had he intended to buy Turgon’s favour with it? 

Maeglin reluctantly handed it over. Rog studied it carefully, sifting through his impressions.

‘Truly excellent metalwork,’ he commented, ‘and the material is remarkable! But…’

‘But it’s not Noldorin?’ Maeglin asked, defensively.

‘I have seen Sindarin smith-work,’ said Rog mildly. ‘Something about this troubles me, and it’s not that.’

Maeglin shrugged, sheathing the sword. 

Chapter End Notes

This is, obviously, inspired by the scene in which Melian warns Beleg against Anglachel and Beleg ignores the warning.
It has been suggested Rog may not be entirely Noldorin, because of his very untypical name. At any rate, I chose him here as someone who would probably not be prejudiced against others' work, but who might genuinely sense something about Anguirel that makes him uneasy.

The prompt for this was "sift".

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