Outsiders of Gondolin Mutual Defence League by Himring

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Merely a Glimpse: After the Battle

Maeglin followed his uncle Turgon into battle to assist Fingon, but that battle was lost and Maeglin's other uncle died there, without Maeglin ever having met him in times of peace.

His uncle’s face turned briefly towards him, in the midst of battle, strong emotions flickering over it. That love, the joy that lit it up were for Turgon, not him, he reminds himself. They didn’t really have a chance to meet.

‘He would not have cared for me, anyway.’ Because I was the death of his sister.

A crude thing to say about a fallen hero. But Maeglin is Eol’s cold son, cannot be breaking down over the death of an uncle he did not even know!

‘Fingon was more likely to care for people than not,’ says Salgant, somberly.

Chapter End Notes

Prompt was: Flickering.

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