Time Present, Time Future by Narya

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Fanwork Notes

“Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.” - T.S. Eliot, 'Burnt Norton', from The Four Quartets

Fanwork Information


In Valinor, Findaráto has a vision and Tyelkormo tries to comfort him.  Rated Teen for mild gore. 

Major Characters: Celegorm, Finrod Felagund

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Violence (Mild)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 418
Posted on 11 March 2018 Updated on 11 March 2018

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Time Present, Time Future

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Thank you! :) I figured that if they were friends for the events of Winter's Lease, it was likely because they had history back in Valinor - and also, in Winter's Lease, Celegorm knows that Finrod has foresight, so I wanted to show him experiencing that early on in their lives.

Hey there! I've had this story bookmarked for a while and enjoy returning to it every so often. It's a very intriguing storyline. I love fiction that shows the Finweions back in their youth, just enjoying life and growing up. I've always headcanoned that they are all close. It makes a lot of sense to me that Findaráto would be capable of visions. I really enjoyed you having Tyelkormo be the one to comfort him. I like to think they were close. Thanks for posting it.

Hi! :) it's so nice to hear that you come back and re-read.  I headcanon that they're all close as youngsters too - even if things did deteriorate later.


Finrod's visions...well, we know he has foresight at the very least from the published Silm, and his sister Galadriel is capable of piercing the veils of the future, so it made sense to me too.  (I haven't explored it in detail yet but I think there are a lot of gifts that run down Finwë's line, foresight beng one of them.)

I have  always enjoyed seeing Celegorm and Finrod depicted as close friends or more; it makes the Nargothrond arc so much more tragic :( I am actually working on a couple of other fics with them so there may be more in this series soon.