Knifework by Kaz
Fanwork Notes
This is a snippet of a larger female!Elrond AU that is currently making itself at home in my brain, drinking all my mental tea and hogging my working memory. You may or may not see more, but in any case I figure this bit stands on its own pretty well.
The warnings are for some disturbing talk about violence and canonical character death, not graphic.
Fanwork Information
Summary: A female!Elrond AU. Somewhere in the wilderness of Beleriand, Maedhros and Elrin talk weapons training, differences in combat-related gender roles between the Noldor and the Sindar, and mutual family history. Major Characters: Elrond, Maedhros Major Relationships: Genre: Alternate Universe, General Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Mild) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 788 |
Posted on 6 February 2013 | Updated on 6 February 2013 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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