Emotions-- A series of vignettes by MisbehavingMaiar

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Joy, Delight

Fires of chaos and creation; and two simple emotions. 


"Oh, my brothers! My sisters! My siblings! Look at it; is it not the most beautiful, the most exquisite thing? It is perfect just as it is! Ah, I would have it this way forever…"  

Melkor laughed, spreading wings of magma over bubbling plains. The earth glowed cherry red under torn ribbons of sky— and he kindled great fires. 




 The hammer of his will fell against the anvil of resolve, and between them was caught mutable Substance.

Blow after blow, he drew forth and ordered the infinite particles into finite shape:

"Be Carbon" he urged.

"Be Sulfur",

"Be Lithium",

"Be Mercury",

"Be Lead." 

And he stood back from his work in Eä, and was pleased. He looked to his Maker for approval, and the Great Smith smiled. 

"Well done, Mairon."

The maia's heart swelled with happiness. "What now, Father?"


"Now? Make more." 

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