Emotions-- A series of vignettes by MisbehavingMaiar

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Fanwork Notes

A series of drabbles based on prompts for a meme on my Silmarillion blog. 

The first drafts were posted in 2013, and I've polished and fluffed them up a bit since then, because I have chronic editing syndrome.  

Fanwork Information


A study in sentiments over time; a collection of moments surrounding Melkor and Sauron, from the Spring of Arda to the fall of the Third Age. 

Major Characters: Ainur, Aulë, Celebrimbor, Fëanor, Finwë, Gil-galad, Idril, Maeglin, Melkor, Númenóreans, Saruman, Sauron, Tar-Míriel, Ungoliant

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Experimental, General, Horror


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Character Death, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Graphic)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 12 Word Count: 25, 726
Posted on 12 April 2014 Updated on 12 April 2014

This fanwork is complete.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

Fires of chaos and creation; and two simple emotions. 

Bitter bile and a small betrayal; two small things that will grow. 

A sickening love, and a pragmatic sacrifice; two emotions, less easily comprehended. 

(Warnings for gore, violence, and character death)

A pyrric victory is won, and a moment of tenderness rebuked; three emotions in one scene.
(Shades of shipping: Sauron/Melkor)

 Maeglin attempts to make himself useful; an unlikely bond is forged. 

(( This one was a puzzler! Also, it turned into a mini-fic. My knowledge of Sindarin construction is exactly three hours old so I make no claims as to accuracy. ))

The fall of a city and a boy; harsh truths and sympathy between monsters.  

Simple, animal joys versus compounding, spiraling mania; two emotions in two different fortresses. 

The mighty are fallen, and those who were loyal mourn; three shades of inevitability and sorrow. 

Celebrimbor learns a lesson in discretion, and elsewhere a terrible alchemy is wrought; caution in both cases comes too little too late. 

(Shades of shipping: Annatar/Celebrimbor) (Mild sexual content. The mildest.)

The Zigur rises in power, but disguises are wearying; songs have power to heal or reopen wounds, reminders of all that is lost forever. 

(This is still one of my favorite drabbles) 

After the flood there is nothing; even sorrow is washed away.
The Shadow in the East muses on a use for his long-estranged brother;
And after an age of clinging bitterly to the earth, the new Dark Lord watches his last foothold dissolve beneath him.

(Warnings for gore, violence, and character death)

Memory makes the past sweet and the present bitter; and as time wears on the memories of an immortal become all the more beautiful, and unbearable.

Comments on Emotions-- A series of vignettes

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This is an intriguing moment of Feanorian reasoning:

"It will take this much at least for the illusion of Paradise to be broken, for the complacent tide of the world to turn against tyranny! "

Excellent political theory, shame about the suffering and destruction of your whole people. Although to be fair, Finwe's not to blame for how the Valar handle everything.

"and Finwë died with a woman’s name upon his lips, under a sky darker than the one he'd woken to."

Oh you poor damned triangle of love . . . .