A Song for My Beloved by Cheeky

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Fanwork Notes

in some of my other stories Maglor and Erestor had a rather disaterous fling which ended in tears. This is the story of how they ended up together in the first place.

written from prompts from the Silmarillion Prompt Generator.

Prompts were:


something broken

and Glorfindel.


I allowed myself to wander quite far from these but they kicked it off.

Fanwork Information


Erestor has a crush, Maglor has a harp and Fingon's singing is really, really bad. Just who is the song for? That's what we all want to know. The beginning of Maglor and Erestor's story.

Major Characters: Erestor, Glorfindel, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Humor, Romance

Challenges: 10th Birthday Celebration

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 938
Posted on 25 July 2015 Updated on 25 July 2015

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on A Song for My Beloved

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This was a very sweet story! I was an Erestor once, longing from afar for someone above my social status, and twenty years later, he is my husband, so I have a soft spot for stories like this. :) I particularly liked how "Feanorian" your Maglor feels. Maglor is very often written as a kinder, softer Feanorian who doesn't quite fit in his father's house, and I loved the fire and spirit you gave him in this story.

Thank you! I am so glad Maglor felt Feanorian to you. I don't really write Silm stories mainly because I am a bit intimidated by the idea of writing the Feanorians. They need to be so much "more" than everyone else and I doubt I can capture that.....so I stay away from them! So pleased I did manage to convey a bit of that in Maglor. I guess because he is a singer and a poet people think he is soft and sensitive, but you can be sensitive and still strong and fiery which was kind of what I wanted to capture. Unfortunately Maglor and Erestor end very badly. I might post the story of that disaster here one day.....and Erestor ends up in the fourth age full of regret. I wrote about that too but can't post it here, It is fourth age and Maglor is only spoken about, not actually there.....in fact I don't think Erestor even names him but it is known who he is speaking about. So not Silm enough for here! Thanks so much for the review.

Never had the idea of Erestor and Maglor before, but I am a great fan of the Feanorians,  and especially Maglor and Carnistir are my favourites,  because they somehow don't fit to the *normal * standards of this heritage.

I suppose Maglor for the most emotional and perceptiv of all his siblings, and your story suits this very well.

Yes, please write and publish the further envelopmemt, I really would appriciate it...

Thanks for your review! I see Maglor a bit like you do, since he is a musician I think he is quite poetic and sensitive And perhaps not as comfortable with the harsh role of leadership although obviously he has to do that so he struggles with it. I have already written the ending of this relationship......well, the first age ending. I think Erestor spends the rest of time pining and regretting the loss of Maglor.

i will try and put that story up here for you later today!