I Have Found The One My Soul Loves by The Wavesinger

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Fanwork Notes

This draws heavily on Elleth's wonderful fic An Enquiry into the Matter of Gilmith of Dol Amroth, and though I've done my best to make sure this stands on its own, I do suggest you read it, because it is a thing of beauty. (And thank you, Elleth, for letting me plunder your ideas!)

I've used 'Gnomes' (from The Book of Lost Tales) for Noldor in the first segment, for lack of a suitable alternative. The use of 'Valinor' where 'Aman' would be more correct is intentional.

The title is paraphrased from Song of Solomon 3:4.

Many, many thanks to Himring for beta-reading! All remaining mistakes are. of course, mine.

Fanwork Information


"They say that the Elven-lady, along with her companion, a beautiful Elven-woman, watches over the line of the Princes and weeps for every one of her children, and children-of-her-children." 

A story about Mithrellas and Nimrodel, after they find each other.


(Written for Karari for Ship Swap 2016.)

Major Characters: Gilmith, Mithrellas, Nimrodel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Romance, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 380
Posted on 6 July 2016 Updated on 6 July 2016

This fanwork is complete.

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