Elemental by Ysilme

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Sky /2


The sky was changing its colour, and Maglor felt his weariness. He had walked all day, but not eaten; he often forgot to look for food when he was lost in his musings. The beach had not much to offer him, but he found some seaweed in the surf. It was edible, if unpleasant in texture and taste, and he chewed on the leathery substance to calm his hunger and feel a bit stronger. Going inland to find food seemed too much of a bother, though, so he decided to stay here and spend the night.

There was a low outcrop of rock, half-way down the beach, with a spot of warm, dry, sand against a low rocky bend which kept the wind out. The tide had created a small pool in a hollow, where a pretty, pink thing sat on a rock, slowly waving thick strands about. Or were they arms? Maglor was not sure, he did not remember what this was. Perhaps even a new creature, come into being when the lands shifted and the part he had known sank below the waves, while others rose to the surface. Whatever it was, it was beautiful, and he laid down on his belly to get a closer look.

Now he also noticed other creatures: some small cockles, a few barnacles here and there, a bit of seaweed clinging to a spur, and a tiny crab moving over a small patch of sand on the ground. It was like a little miniature world under water, Maglor thought and let his hand glide into the water. It was surprisingly warm. Gently, he touched the orange-pink, flower-like thing. It was not a flower or a plant, though, as it now moved its petals - no, that would be arms, he supposed - towards his finger and clung around it, for a lack of better explanation.

He smiled. This was probably something very ordinary, but for him, it was special. For a moment, he felt again like a child discovering something new and exciting.
His curiosity sated, Maglor turned onto his back, and gasped. Focused on the underwater world in the rock pool, he had missed the changing of the colours in the sky, which by now had taken on a riot of colours so intense he needed to close his eyes for a moment. Sitting up, he drew his knees up to his chest, as if to anchor himself to the ground, allowing his fëa to soar up and dance with the gulls.

Sun setting on the sea with very intense colours

Something wet touched his lips, and Maglor realised that it was tears, running down his face. He touched his cheek, puzzled for a moment until he remembered, and then wondered why he was crying. Then he understood.

Nobody was there to share the joy about the beauty of the sky, or the wonder of the pink sea-flower-animal. Nobody to share the feel of the wind and the rhythm of the sea. Nobody to listen to his songs, for singing them out to the sea and sky was no longer enough. Nobody to talk to. His heart ached at this realisation.

People. He missed people. Funny that this should happen now, Maglor thought. During his wanderings, he had sometimes spotted people in the distance, or seen or heard signs of their presence. Without conscious thought he had always avoided them. With a sigh, he unfolded his legs and dug his hands into the sand, watching how the grains trickled back down. What now?

I want to go back.

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