In Our Hearts We Know the Truth by Saelind

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Chapter 4

Prompt: bleak, snow, scurry, breath. 

Melian knows Galadriel still holds secrets. 

“Does it bring back cruel memories?” Melian asked. “The snow.”  

Artanis paused. The lady would do this, now and then, sharp prods on her breath amidst her hospitality and friendship. Outside, Doriath was bleak as it would ever be, wild flakes scurrying past the windows, only a dim light struggling through the clouds. The Helcaraxë did not cloud her mind so much as what came before it; Melian must suspect. She met the Maia’s eyes, cool and inviting, and hid a smile behind a sip of tea. 

“Of death and darkness. But we have none of that here, do we?” 

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