Fëanorians in 600 Words or Less by eris_of_imladris

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Fanwork Notes

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Each Fëanorian gets their own headcanon and short story of 600 words or less for this character exploration!

Written for Fëanorian Week 2018.

Major Characters: Amras, Amrod, Caranthir, Celegorm, Curufin, Elrond, Elros, Fëanor, Indis, Maedhros, Maglor, Nerdanel

Major Relationships:



Rating: Teens


Chapters: 7 Word Count: 18, 130
Posted on 18 March 2018 Updated on 25 March 2018

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This Fëanorian Week, as someone new to the Silm fandom, I decided to explore a favorite headcanon of mine on each of the days, whether I invented the headcanon myself or found it from somewhere else. Each headcanon will then become the basis of a story that is 600 words or less, as a creative exercise.

Maedhros Headcanon: Nerdanel took a few years to decide on Maedhros’ mother-name, perhaps even a couple of years. When she did finally come up with “Maitimo,” people thought it was such an easy choice for him and didn’t realize why it took her so long. She had a good reason.

Maglor Headcanon: Maglor is a good father to Elrond and Elros, whether circumstances draw them together or apart.

Celegorm Headcanon: I like to think that Celegorm got Huan when he was young, perhaps even a child. Not sure how much sense this makes, but Celegorm needs more fluff and Huan is fluffy. (And of course it turns into angst at the end but I can’t help it so xD)

Caranthir Headcanon: I really like the headcanon of Caranthir inheriting his grandmother Míriel's sewing skills. I know I found this somewhere, but I’m not quite sure where I found it. If you know who started it, please let me know so I can credit them!

Curufin Headcanon: Curufin finds the Oath a way to earn his father’s favor, even after his death.

Ambarussa Headcanon: Borrowing the headcanon from “The People of Middle-Earth” that Amrod died on the ships. It’s a devastating headcanon, but I feel like it opens so many storytelling doors that it’s worth exploring.

Fëanor & Nerdanel Headcanon: Fëanor and Indis have a contentious relationship, to put it mildly, but he is willing to look past anything for Nerdanel’s sake. (In the beginning…)

A/N: Maybe it's a bit over 600 words, but who's counting xD

Comments on Fëanorians in 600 Words or Less

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I love this interpretation of the significance behind the name Maitimo! One of my favorite things to read/write/think about is the significance behind names, and this was an interpretation I had not seen before, and one I think fits remarkably well in canon. It really shows Nerdanel's love, and adds a new dimension both to her character and to Maitimo's. Well done!

He was a kinslayer at last.

Even though it would be an awful thing, if only this moment got Feanor to see himself as a kinslayer (weren't the Teleri sailors people's sons, parents, brothers and sisters?), this really packs a punch.

And the idea of fearing for the smaller twin as an infant, only to see fate come for him as a man, out of his father's actions . . .

It is definitely an awful moment, but I feel like Feanor's ideas of family are very warped and he wouldn't necessarily think of the Teleri as being people's family, but things can hit home for him when it's one of his own sons. This is one of my favorite angsty headcanons and I'm glad you were engaged with the way I wrote it :)

I just noticed your reply now! Sorry about that...

I have written one story which speaks to the significance of names, specifically the cultural name of Eldar. It needs some editing, both in the format on the site(it was the first thing I posted and I was a bit confused) as well as in the writing. But if you're interested it's called People of the Stars. Some time soon I'll get around to fixing the formatting and editing/finalizing the text.

But mostly I just think about names and their meanings. I guess names fascinate me because so much of our identitys seem tied to them. Maybe it's just me, but under a different name, it's seems there is a different "feeling" to me entirely. And yet I've learned that names,words, and thus everything, can be much more fluid than our personal realities would have us believe.  I am still working on putting my thoughts on the matter into words, so forgive me if I don't explain myself quite right. 

Ni Nienna! I may have been late in writing the replies so please don't feel bad :) I will definitely look into that story when I get home from work! I have a friend at work who absolutely loves getting into lengthy discussions about names, so I have heard a good amount of naming theories, but I also love to dive into characters' names and why they're named that. For this, I had read a fic where the name Maitimo seemed cruel after Maedhros' time in Angband, and for some reason my muse got happy instead of angsty and wondered what it might be like if the name was a comfort instead.