2019 Summer Solstice Drabbles by Ismene

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A Hunt in a Garden

Prompt: garden, creature, command, woodcraft

The creature sulked off into the brush, muttering to himself. “Sméagol gets food for hungry hobbits. Nice hobbits, nassty hobbits. Master’s friend commands it, Sméagol gets it. Nassty master’s friend.”

Presently, he wandered into what might have once been a great garden, with only the ruins left, watching, tragically frozen in time like a shattered window to the past. In the center, a great statue stood, probably of some hero, although it was difficult to say on account of the loss of the statue’s head. It was clear the maker had been a master of woodcraft, for what remained was far more intricate than any wooden carving outside of the realm of Thranduil.

Of course, Gollum could not care less. “Rabbits!” he cried, “nice little rabbits. Yes, precious, these will do nicely.”

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