2019 Summer Solstice Drabbles by Ismene

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Prompt: afternoon, old, midnight, temperature

This one contains very mild sexual content.

Elvariel opened her eyes, blinking in the saturated light of the afternoon sun streaming through her window. A pounding headache assaulted her, along with a wave of dizziness.

Elven draughts aren’t made for men’s stomachs, she supposed, with sluggish thought in remembrance of last night’s activities. She had journeyed from Esgaroth with a few companions to join King Thranduil’s court for a few nights of feasting and merriment, and feasting and merriment they had, like kings of old, well beyond the stroke of midnight.

She remembered the silver wine, like an ambrosia of the mortal world, and following one of the king’s guards into his chambers. She remembered her temperature rising as his broad shoulders and muscular frame encompassed her, undoing the clasps that held her dress in place, and then….

Her mind spun in circles trying to remember how she was returned to her own chambers, but alas, she could not. Fighting off another headache, she turned over and closed her eyes again, drifting off into another dreamless sleep.

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