2019 Summer Solstice Drabbles by Ismene

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Prompt: black, evidence, home, brother

NOTE: this one mentions the deaths of some characters, so if you'd rather not read something sad, don't read this one.

The black, charred remains of many a warrior lay fallen on the battlefield by the Lonely Mountain. Ash choked the air, and never before in the memories of the soldiers who fought there did a victory feel more like a loss.

Dwalin walked among the bodies, his once-home (perhaps it might become so again, with much toil?) trying to identify anyone he might have known, heart leaping to his throat with each new fallen warrior, desperately hoping for him to be a stranger. Then he stopped. Almost beyond recognition, two dwarves lay near each other, their swords and cloaks the sealing evidence of their identities: Fili, and Kili. A salty, ashy tear fell down his face. Brothers from beginning to end, they fell together, beside their leader. He knelt beside them, all three of them, and wept.

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