2019 Summer Solstice Drabbles by Ismene

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The Beginning of the Beginning of an Adventure

Prompt: alcohol, groups, elimination, bond

(My first drabble, and I haven't used all the words, but I'd still like to share!)

“Give us ano’er one, Barl’man,” called a small group of men in the corner of the Prancing Pony, their speech slurred from one too many a drink already. “Fill ‘er up!”

Butterbur turned around behind the counter of his bar, and poked Nob, telling him to go to them and deny them any more alcohol. He had other people he wished to speak to. “Yer sure ye can’t tell me where yer headed? Off on another matter of ‘mysterious business,’ mister wizard?”

“That would be correct. Matters aren’t pressing me for time at the moment, so I’d like to stay a night here, if you’d allow, kindly.”

“Of course, the Pony’s always open for ye, Gandalf, whene’er ye might need it.” Just then, the little bell by the door jingled, to let Butterbur know he had a new customer. “I’ll get that, if ye don’t mind, Gandalf.”

He headed to the door to take the coat of the newcomer. The stranger was short, but when he turned round, he had a beard! A dwarf! Butterbur laughed. “What’s yer name, sir, that ye should be all the way here in Bree? What’re ye doing, if ye don’t mind my asking?”

The dwarf looked up at him. “My name is Thorin Oakenshield, and that," he continued, with a stony glare, "is none of your business.”

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