Maglor's Harp by ford_of_bruinen
Fanwork Notes
This is posted unbetaed for now.
This story is probabaly not for the faint of heart. Notice the warnings before you read it and be aware that this is my first attempt at horror.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Maglor makes the perfect harp. Major Characters: Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: Horror Challenges: Rating: Adult Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Graphic) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 524 |
Posted on 30 October 2007 | Updated on 30 October 2007 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Maglor's Harp
Read Maglor's Harp
He lay on his back, raven hair floating out over the sand like rivulets of blood. Pale as death and dark as sin. Only his hands, held in front of his face, tracing patters towards the moon, showed him still alive. His fingers curled towards the palms, unable to straighten and at some point the flesh of his left hand seemed to have been seared of the bones, leaving the long fingers oddly skeletal.
Bored with the silence he stared at the moon, daring it to speak to him but it remained quiet, not even a whisper did it have to offer him tonight. Slowly ancient memories came to him and suddenly he played with the thought of singing, as he had once entertained the court of the gods themselves, but it had been a long time since he last sang. Experimentally he let his hands fall to his sides and sat with unnatural grace. A song of...something... He struggled to remember the tunes that had once been part of him and then he sang. His voice was hoarse and raw, more like the croaking of a raven then the music of a songbird. Frowning he fell silent, trying to find what was wrong.
There had been people to listen, he remembered vaguely, their pale faces turned towards him as he sang. Did that make it better? Scrambling he stood. Looking across the deserted beach until his eyes lit up. Surely an audience did not need to consist of people. He hurried across the sand, pausing now and then, picking up dead crabs and mussels and whatever other sea-life had been washed onto the shore. Carefully he arranged them in a semi-circle around him and stood, straightening his shoulders until he reached his full height.
Bowing at his audience he tried again, closing his eyes to try to find the beauty that he could remember but again his voice came out rough and cracked, lacking the richness that he could remember. So it was not an audience, unless it had to be creatures more like him.
Biting on a long fingernail he cast his memory back again, there was something missing, he just needed to find out what it was. Then he remembered. He used to have a harp. That was what he needed, a harp would make the song beautiful.
It took him many days, gathering debris on the beach, until he managed to find enough old wood and seaweed to start his harp. He worked with a single-minded obsession, using a small, sharp stone to cut the wood into the right shapes, boring holes in the wood to fit small pieces together and after many days and nights he finally held his sea-shore harp. Proudly he cradled it in his lap, caressing the smooth wood. It would be fine now, he would be what he used to. His twisted fingers trailed over the weed-strings which hummed hoarsely before they broke.
Staring at the broken strings he hunched over, his heart aching that something he had worked so hard on had come to nothing. He curled up around the harp, trying to think of something else, something that would not break. The sea washed shallowly around him and his harp as he lay thinking until weariness claimed him. Morning brought him no joy, the water had swelled the wood, making it pop out of the carefully carved hinges and once more it resembled more pieces of old rotting wood than the harp he had held the night before.
Broken-hearted he accepted he had failed. He needed something stronger of which to make his harp.
He scoured the beach in search of materials and found nothing better than seashells of driftwood and eventually, hesitantly he crept into the fields and forest close to the sea. It was there he found the rabbits. What meat had been on the fur and bones had been picked clear of carrion-birds and carnivores, leaving the small brittle bones to bleach under the sun.
His eyes lit with joy as he caressed the ivory remains. Surely bones would last better than driftwood. He wrapped the small carcasses in his torn cloak and picked many of the though reeds that grew between the sand and the fields on his return to the beach. He had what he needed now.
Once again days and nights passed as he worked, crafting the harp of his dreams. It was prettier than the last, he thought to himself, prettier and surely sturdier. The full moon had returned by the time he was happy with his handiwork, admiring his creation. A few careful brushes across the reeds assured him that these new strings would hold. But their sound was thin and waving, hollow and not strong enough to carry against his voice.
Still, he was satisfied. He had thought of something that worked, now he needed to make something better. Something that would carry tunes with strength without breaking. He looked at the fail looking bone-harp and suddenly he knew what he needed. He needed fresh bones and guts that he could dry into strings. Bones and guts of something bigger than the rabbits, perhaps a deer or a wolf if he could find one.
In the days and nights that followed he returned to forest, intent on finding a prey. He set careful snares which both deer and wolf eluded and with growing despair he started doubting that he would ever be able to finish his harp.
Then one night he found it, it must have strayed from the parents a long time ago. He was not sure why the animals had left it alone but he did not care. The child was half grown and had been dead long enough to have started drying in the chill autumn winds. He had been lucky it had not died somewhere closer to water.
He did not return to the beach this time, too eager to start his work. Soon he would have the harp he needed. Carving flesh and bone, unravelling and dying guts took him a long time but eventually, the night the first snow fell, he was finished. He had his harp, larger than the sea-wreck harp or the rabbit harp. The strings carried a rich, if slightly leaden, sound and delightedly he tried his voice against it. All that night and all the following day he sang, small pieces of tunes he remembered, bits of songs he made up from his mind. His voice still sounded raw and croaky but the harp helped. It was almost enough to make the music beautiful. Almost. For a month he settled for almost, until the snow stayed on the ground and the sound of birds had mostly faded as they had fled southwards towards heat.
But almost was not beautiful, the harp was good but he could not make the strings ache, could not tease out the sounds of painful grace which the song in his mind asked for. He needed something even better and then he could finish his masterpiece. He could become whole again.
It took him a few days to find the closest village and many more followed as he laid in wait, watching them, trying to choose who would have the blessing of being his harp. Eventually he saw her, slender and pretty and always smiling. She was the one. She was beautiful in herself and when he saw her cry one evening he burned with desire.
It took almost another turn of the moon before she ventured close to the edge of the forest, looking for more wood for her fires. He followed her, watching as she stepped further and further into the trees until he found the right time.
Graceful as a large cat he sprung, his hand wrapping around her mouth, his teeth around her throat. Once she stopped struggling he sat watching her, watching the red blood in the white snow. It was beautiful, familiar. He had seen something like it before.
Only when darkness again fell he moved, dragging his harp behind him by the hair. She would make a beautiful harp.
This time he did not hurry, he took his time, slowly and carefully, worshipfully he moulded his harp, polishing bone until it shone, braiding long strands of hair to make patterns upon the harp. The guts he cleaned carefully, slicing them to the right thickness, to the right size and finally she was ready.
Pressing his lips against the ivory harp he carried her to the beach; now frozen, the ice stretching as far as he could see. He sat down, cradling her in his lap, caressing her strings and shuddered with pleasure. He had known she was right, the tones rang out, rich and painful, filled with a scream of horror and longing, a lack of peace. This was right. He joined his voice to hers and sang, tears streaming down his face as he was fulfilled, made anew and became whole.
Once he finally silenced he looked back towards the forest and village. The song would be even better with an audience...
Chapter End Notes
The idea first came to me almost a year ago when I wrote the drabble I called The Harp, the image of Maglor with his bone-harp stayed with me and I always knew I would have to develop it into a story someday.
(1) Comment by Rhapsody for Maglor's Harp
Wow, this is an amazing piece that captures the madness and deepest horror of the human mind. I like the build up in this story, from seemingly innocent driftwood, Maglor scoures nature until he found the harp he once upon a time had. Over the years his mind also forgot other things, not only the songs he once sang, the instruments he played, but also his morality, respect and his own human limits. You tell the story in steps, very skillfully if I may add, taking the reader just a step further in what they might accept Maglor to do... At the end I just cannot let go, I have to know how this ends and his total obliviant behaviour... it makes sense. We should be disgusted by it, to kill an innocent for such a thing and yet you show us how he came to it. I pity this Maglor and the last line Uli, it gave me the shivers. This is a great piece!
Re: (1) Comment by Rhapsody for Maglor's Harp
Thanks! :) I had been playing with the idea of this story for almost a year but never got around to sitting down and writing it, also the idea of writing horror scared me as it is not my usual style. I enjoyed figuring out what build up to use to get it gradually worse and the last line just fell into place. :) Poor Maglor is my favourite torture victim (also known as muse) at the moment and I am having way too much fun with him.
thanks for the fb
(2) Comment by pandemonium_213 for Maglor's Harp
What a marvelously macabre story! My hat's off to you, ford_of_bruinen. I'm a horror aficionado (reading it anyway; I'm not necessarily adept at writing it), and you have done a masterful job in creating a dark, gruesome tale and a truly mad Maglor. Your use of details (dead crabs and mussels as the audience - and the connection the final lines make to that; the search for better and increasingly horrible materials for the instrument) builds the tension and beautifully (or horrifically? :^D) illustrates the depths of Maglor's insanity.
Thanks a million for an especially toothsome Halloween treat!
Re: (2) Comment by pandemonium_213 for Maglor's Harp
Thank you very much for the fb! It was my first attempt at horror and I have to admit I had much too fun writing it! I am glad you enjoyed it and that you feel I managed to write it well, it makes me very happy!
thanks a million for the fb!
(3) Comment by Robinka for Maglor's Harp
Ah! This is an excellent, thrilling glimpse at madness, morbid and fascinating. Great job!
Re: (3) Comment by Robinka for Maglor's Harp
Thank you very much! :)
(4) Comment by Moreth for Maglor's Harp
I'm not a big fan of modern horror, but folk-legend I do like. A mad Maglor... and now a bone harp! Could it get any better? That last line is superb... it leaves me with those poor villagers, who are about to have a really bad evening!
A wonderfully grim expansion of the storyline to show what happened afterwards.
Re: (4) Comment by Moreth for Maglor's Harp
Thank you very much, I am not a huge fan of modern horror either but Poe or Bradbury of also Neil Gaiman at times, those I like. I have never written another piece of horror either before or after but i admit this is one of the stories I have written that I have the most pride in. :)
(5) Comment by oshun for Maglor's Harp
Just went to review this story for the MEFA and realized I had not reviewed it here. So, here it is a cut-and-paste for the permanent record.
I highly recommend this story. First, the disclaimers: I do not like horror as a genre in general, nor do I believe from canon or my own extrapolations of it that Fëanor’s sons were mad. Yes, they were driven, compelled, unhappy, committed to something that they might have many times wished they could have undone, but unable to go back and start over again, only able to go forward. The least mad among them for me, probably would have been Maglor, after Maedhros despite Thangorodrim and Morgoth’s torture. They just did too many things that required compassion and hard work to be barking, slobbering mad. No denying that they did terrible things which they believed were necessary to fulfill their duty and that had to be done because of oaths sworn. That does not make a person, in and of itself, insane.
Having got that off my chest, I must say that I would absolutely recommend this story to others who might feel the same way that I did. It is beautifully written. The writer has constructed a perfect little jewel of a story. It is just so horribly dark and yet never graphic, although quite explicit. You really made me suspend my sense of disbelief and be willing to go along with your scenario here for the experience. What a compelling, macabre and creepily gorgeous story. It is just so chilling. The not-so-subtle sexual overtones, just were the final telling detail. It certainly is an antidote for too much fluffy, goody-goody Maglor! Congratulations on a job well done.
Re: (5) Comment by oshun for Maglor's Harp
very late response to a wonderful review . First I agree with you I do not nor did I ever believe the sons of feanor to be insane, however then I started playing with the idea that maybe isolation and centuries alone could have played havoc on his mind. :) In my head it is set sometime after elves were all gone a long time back and only Maglor, unable to go back, remained. And the gradual madness... and so on.
Thank you so much for the feedback hun
(6) Comment by Beorning for Maglor's Harp
You know, even with the somewhat graphic murder, I have to admit I felt more of a profound sadness at reading this than horror. Don't get me wrong, this is one of your best stories by far. The characterization is rich and the narrative is nearly perfect in its excecution, but that same narrative of escalating madness seems more tragic than horrifying. I think this is due to Maglor's significance compared to his victim and the desparation with which he seeks to regain his music. The knowlege that he has killed before also mitigates some of the tension leading into and during the murder despite its gruesome excecution, but it is the line about his vague recognition of blood really hit the tragic irony of the character home.
Like I said, I think this is an excellent story, just more tragic than horrifying.
Re: (6) Comment by Beorning for Maglor's Harp
Thank you for the feedback, I am glad yu enjoyed the story. I admit that even as I wrote it as a horror I did try, at leat in the back of my mind, to play on the tragedy of what one who had once been among the highest of the Noldor and the most talanted musician ever had come to. I enjoy reading your view on the story and am gla dyou could take that away from it. Once again thank you for the feedback and apologies for being over 2 years late replying!
(7) Comment by SkyEventide for Maglor's Harp
Not gonna lie, I *really* thought he was going to use his own bones and guts! Still extremely creepy, holy heck. And poor Maglor, in that mental state, when he bent over because his first harp broke! What a delightful read.