Something to chew on. by ford_of_bruinen
Fanwork Notes
Beta: Enismirdal
Pairing: Mablung/ Saeros
Warnings: None really unless a fluff/humour warning should be applied...
Request: First Age, before Saeros died (necrophilia just isn't very Christmas-y)... both emotionally strong characters (as they were); prior to Turin showing up in Doriath would be most awesome, but I understand the bunnies sometimes run rampant... let's see... damn, I just know I'm calling myself out on it asking for this, but, oh well... if there's a way to include cheesecake, or goats, it would make me all the more happy ^_^ (poor person getting this is just now thinking '...great, I get the freak assignment...', lol)
Do not include: No death!! Um, rather not have rape or noncon or anything too bad; some angstiness could be fun. However the muses go on it.. it's a more difficult pairing, so I hate to put up a lot of limitations.
Author’s note: I know this is not *quite* what you probably had in mind but it was the best I could do this year. Also a big thank you to Keiliss, without her this would not have been written and I would still try to find an angle for this story :)
Fanwork Information
Summary: Mablung and Saeros enjoy a day of seduction in the woods of Doriath, at least until they realise they are in the prescence of a voyeuristic goat... Written for Zhie in the 2007 Slashy Santa exchange. Major Characters: Mablung, Saeros Major Relationships: Genre: Humor, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 273 |
Posted on 24 December 2007 | Updated on 24 December 2007 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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