Moon of the Sea by pandemonium_213

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Chapter 11: Diamonds Bright

Happy Birthday to Rhapsody!

Isilmë awoke hard and fast from dreamless sleep. Her hand reached to find an empty space where her bundled child had lain, tucked against her belly. After a moment’s panic, she realized Elendil was not at her side either. The disorientation passed. She knew that her husband had taken the restless infant to soothe him and allow her a few minutes more of precious sleep.

She rose from the bed and pulled the dressing gown over her naked body, her milk-laden breasts tight and beginning to ache. The contrasting textures of cool tiles and warm wool rugs pressed against her bare feet as she padded across the room and out through the open door to the balcony.

Standing in the moonlight, the tall man rocked on his heels and cradled the tiny baby, singing the haunting sea shanty to his son. Tears of sentiment welled in her eyes while she watched and listened.

We raise the sails to morning’s light
And spill the dew like diamonds bright.
The waves they crest, the waves they swell
As we bid farewell to hill and dale.
And so our journey has begun
West of the Moon and East of the Sun.

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