The Well by Independence1776
Fanwork Notes
All belongs to Tolkien and the Tolkien Estate.
Thanks to Jen for looking this over, and especially to my betas Dawn Felagund and LadyLunas.
ETA: I know that many people enjoy this story because of its more spiritual nature, and I hope you continue to do so. But the fic has a bit of an odd history, spirituality-wise. It was literally the last gasp of my Catholic faith; after I wrote it, I no longer had problems calling myself a non-Christian.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Post Fourth Age. Maglor meets someone unexpected. Nominated in the 2009 MEFAs. Major Characters: Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 601 |
Posted on 25 February 2009 | Updated on 25 February 2009 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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