Like Toy Soldiers by
Fanwork Notes
Rating: PG-13/K+
Warnings: gloomy, dark matters of war
Place&Time: Aman, First Age
Word Count (in MS Word): 751
- Fanwork Information
The host of the Valar who marched to Middle-Erth to vanquish Morgoth were wreathed in valorous splendor. But what were they like before they set foot on the Hitherlands? A short piece; Thanksgiving present for Ellfine, Fiondil and KiMahalei.
Major Characters: Ilmarë
Major Relationships:
Genre: Experimental, Fixed-Length Ficlet
Challenges: Fifth Birthday Celebration
Rating: Teens
Warnings: Mature Themes
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 766 Posted on 25 November 2009 Updated on 25 November 2009 This fanwork is complete.
Table of Contents
Akh! Inspired by the gloomy, desperate last days of NaNoWriMo. Blame my sulking, violated muse. I thought to give this piece formerly *cough cough* as a birthday present for someone, or to celebrate something… but it turned out too moody for any good celebration, and it did not seem fit to be a belated gift for Halloween either. Oh well. Just for… enjoyment… then.
On hindsight, someone did request the idea for her Thanksgiving gift when I asked her what she wanted. Well, then. Happy early Thanksgiving, Ellie! This is for Fiondil and KaiMahalei too, and for you all out there who celebrate the day. (I do not, but I would like to give you a present, still.)
Umm. Back on track. As you could probably guess by the title, I was inspired by the song “Toy Soldiers” (by whom, I forget – sorry) along the way. Later, I might do more pieces in this manner. This one does not really qualify as a song fiction, though. Tell me what you think about the story? :puppy eyes:
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