Artíre's Revenge by WendWriter

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Fanwork Notes

I was trying to discover what I could get away with in a Silmarillion fanfic. A lot, it seems - I put a zombie in Middle-earth and no-one had a problem with it! One of my most cherished beliefs about fanfiction is that you can put absolutely anything in a fanfic story and make it work if you explain it well enough and use familiar lore to make it believable.

Fanwork Information


Furious at having been forced to take sides between Melkor's forces and the Ainur, Artíre seeks revenge on Sauron.

Major Characters: Melkor, Original Character(s), Sauron

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Horror


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Violence (Moderate)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 12 Word Count: 22, 911
Posted on 28 November 2009 Updated on 28 November 2009

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

The method of artificial respiration I have mentioned here was commonly used on drowned people until modern CPR was introduced.

I added the story of Beren and Lúthien to this story to anchor it to canon and to explain the amazing things that happened.

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