To Sing Of... by darthfingon

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Gil-galad, about to be married to a very nice lady, makes an important discovery about himself with Erestor's help. A heartwarming tale of cluelessness, ill-fitting clothing, impractical pets, and exploitation of Elvish linguistic ambiguity. Tame slash.

Major Characters: Elrond, Erestor, Gil-galad

Major Relationships:

Genre: Slash/Femslash


Rating: Teens


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 8, 054
Posted on 8 December 2009 Updated on 8 December 2009

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on To Sing Of...

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Thirty years??? Clueless indeed.

The day I am able to do word games in Quenya the world will end. Sooo, in the meantime, I am dying of curiosity here:

"Yes. Liritas. With an S. Have you never wondered why it uses the ambiguous pronoun instead of the full version? To sing of her, specifically her, would be Liritaryë. So why the unclear Liritas?"

"So the lines have the proper syllables?"

Did you actually translate the whole song or is it just Gil-Galad attempting to shirk the matter?

Truly liked it. The building up to Gil-galad's final realisation is very well paced, mixed with the wedding nonsense, and the whole idea of using the song with the subtle lyrics is oh-so-clever. Thanks!


I didn't do a full translation.  The story was written in haste, but I did think about the syllables.  The melody I have in mind for Elrond's song is A Chantar, so it works out very well that the first line, 'A Chantar', has the same number of syllables as Liritas.  Of course, now I do want to translate the whole song...

Absolutely lovely. I've never been able to completely enjoy this pairing, though it is a lovely one - and that's mainly due to the many horrid fics written as an attempt to do it justice.

 Your fic, is anything BUT horrid. I loved every second spent reading it, and thought it ended much too soon. Very well written indeed.

Oh, Darth, I had to admit I squeed. I actully am reduced to squeeing. Such a lovely, well-written story--and with grammatical ambiguities on top of it! I loved Gil-galad's denseness, Erestor's wicked pragmatism and Elrond's shy and subtle "courting" with the song. It was just a nice way to start a day. Thanks for sharing it!

oh, hahahaha this was very well written and developed. I really liked gil-galad as a skillful warrior and leader, but naive and clueless besides! Erestor's personality was also very interesting, I imagine him being a noldor, so I think all this snark fits him like a glove hahahaha. What an enjoyable read!!