A Star Shines On The Hour Of Our Meeting by Ysilme

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2. Lindon

Prompt Fill Bingo Card: The Apothecary Garden: lack of appetite/yarrow

“You want to do what?”

Gil-galad frowned at Elrond, his hand with a piece of bread halting in mid-air.

“Go and check that report of the lost wanderer along the coast. Or if you prefer, doing a patrol along the coast, inspecting the fishermen’s villages, counting the sea-birds. Call it what you like, I do not care. I will take two men and leave today.” Elrond spread the egg on his plate a bit further apart without eating. 

Gil-galad put the bread down and reached for the honey.

“You are wasting your time, Elrond. This is but a wild goose chase and you know it. And do eat up, will you. You are skipping far too many meals as it is.”

Elrond obediently speared a tiny bit of egg on his fork. “I know well that it cannot be Maglor. But do you not understand that I need to verify myself that this wanderer is not him, after these dreams I keep having?”
He set his fork down again with the uneaten bit on it. 

Gil-galad sighed. “Probably. All right, off you go then, frolicking around the countryside in the beautiful autumn weather. You will not give me a rest until I let you anyway.”

Elrond snorted at that, as they were currently experiencing a particularly cold and wet firith with temperatures around freezing. It had not yet snowed this year, but the weather conditions were nothing somebody would voluntarily choose for a field trip.

“Thank you. Anything you want me to take particularly note of? I am going to make myself useful and do a proper patrol of the area while I am at it.”

“I am sure I can think of something.”


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