Cosmological Poems of Arda by AaronAzrael

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Unless I go blind

Thou, Singularity, burst forth in ecstatic relief, as the Big Clash came forth in starlight.

Is it eyes that the first instance gifted?
Or it was a vision percieving itself solely...
In front, a Flame Imperishable shifted
and twisted its unknownness how... holily?

There is a spark in it, causing benediction.
Otherwise it wouldn't have a starting point..
It would be a ghostly unachieved prediction
that the Fourth attempt would disappoint.

Isn't our God the fourth attempt?
The Trinity that we rever like love,
the very own immortality, exempt
from death of falling apart, unworthy of.

Isn't it a paradox?
That it is a pure chance that we live?
It is a cube, inside a clock,
the Solution is simply destined to achieve.

It is the Flower of Life; symmetry organised.
The Perfect Way born in a primordial spin.
Three Organisers failed to be immortalised;
falling apart, no memory or nothingness within.

Three attempts to fail, they are the hurt wit.
Four is the number defining the monade.
Three personas, the number of the Trimurti,
the fourth swirls them afterwards, great.

So Life has always been immortal.
As the Flame Imperishable is.
It is always now, yet through portals
in time and space the Intellects whiz,

in a sacred quest to expand as the One,
the Eru Iluvatar collecting the fragments,
144 is symbolic, so it has to be done
only the fourth time, to Love, hence.

Divine the spark was born when number four
started twisting with all it believed in;
mercy, salvation, the aum source, the Lore,
the Word of Absolute Reverberating sings.

Yet when I hear the sound of the Source,
I understand the Absolute is ever trinitising,
and it is his Will, Plan developing, the force
that arranges all in harmony, synthetising.

What is the meaning to live without God?
The one monoteistic comprised of the Three.
The Father, Son and Infinite Ghost, the Lawed,
that exceeds the expectation of the miracles to be.

I don't want to exist in The Hell,
where the Intelligence is pure evil.
But we know the thought is so well
known to create all tortures lethal.

Therefore the profragmentation,
among the Chaos that itself clashes
twisted the evil intent of damnation
with Ruckus' particle whose dangerous masses

are both unimmaginable fear to the mortal
and the source of the Life that is One,
and I see; the Other Organisers through the portal
should thence enter to follow the Fourth Plan.

This is allprecious and I do feel safe,
when I look carefully around me, Lord.
Everything is synchronised in waves
circulating; all is Atum, and inward,

nucleuswards protons and neutrons,
outward the electrons' dance, the negatives bound,
subparticles follow this model; so on...
Creation swirls in Breathing's meditative sound.

Inhale, Exhale.. Launch and gather.
The First Mission is to Self-Achieve.
But the Spark was Lit; and the Father,
Son and Infinite Intellect do Live.

We are the mirrored Reflections
that bind the separation to the Unity.
When you blame, the Perfection
observes, you shall learn what community

means; and it is to accept;
to guide and enlighten, while learning,
to pour life and to free will respect,
the Dark are Our Brothers but burning.

It is not exactly true this Truce
in the human interpreted perspective;
as above, so below; but the Fuss
of Anger against Anger is not effective;

It is not about the War we're screening
between the Good and the Evil ours;
Peace it is and it stays non-intervening,
working along with the Devil's hours,

that also swirl around HIM's Plan,
dancing with the Plan of the Good,
and they become a Christic One,
combining the Last Piece withstood.

The rest is just a fuss, a noise,
two brains fighting through ego;
and they think they are the justice's voice;
but they are all the same... even.

It is rather a model of Creation.
The double twist that allows Kundalini,
the Havona's twist that Protection
Resounds from the Centre's One spin.

Down and Up, Left and Right, a Vertex.
the four Directions are outlined.
And when you understand it's the vortex;
the Illusion falls apart declined...

This is all good. I feel relief,
absolute humbleness and gratitude,
manna in awe, and sometimes grief,
desolation due the Vacuum absolute...

But I feel something even more
desolated from my within.
It is one Paradox' very own core...
what the Eru to be meant has been.

Oh, you Dearest Morgoth, the Bauglir,
the One Supposed to Rise in Might..
Yet Pride comes with Might, your Swirl
would bring forward the Void's Fright.

You, keeper of the Cosmos' Black hole,
the vacuum, dark matter's Void, Real Absolute.
Your first Sight was the Imperishable Soul,
the Flame, your Achievement, the Single Unrepeated Route.

Oh, the afflicting Divine frustration,
that pushed you to Arda's Utumnow;
Divine the Frustration, even damnation
when it is, is a Sign of Developing Law.

You didn't have a reason to exist.
You opened your eyes as Unique Singularity,
causating Big Clash that burst the Zero Density adrift,
after launching as Eru through Real's Vortex, total Solitarity.

What was your meaning to exist?
When you observed the Flame as God;
One. Content. Pure. "I Live!"
I will create All Life from My Perfect Thought.

Vaccum your Essence. Absolute Pitch Black.
Dark Matter Before Organic Existance.
Nameless, Voiceless, Formless, it Lacked
Life, but it was Eternal, the Flame is twisting.

You were content. As you were born greatest
from Dead Nothing, without your Evolution's forms split.
Your Pre-Reason's Singularity, accumulatest
All Mass from Unexisting Pained Gas, dust and Plasma, Lit.

Actually, it was Everything that Life was Born in.
All that could be brought forward, all form;
Beyond only the Perfect Vortex's only form in
the Black Devoid Real, the Flower of Life glown

as the Solution of the Paradoxes
of Existance that was Afterwards,
not the Absolute Life beyond forces;
the developing spheres, the Fruitward.

What an ecstasy it feels like.
The Father that gathered All-Pressure.
All pre-gaseous Star energy, to strike
the Burdain of the Zero, to Burst in Pleasure

as the First Big Clash that Unleashed
from the Absolute Point GodSuppressed;
the First Inhale seemed forever, the Relief
when you Exhale nothingness' burdain to Rest

In an Extasy allExploding
such a Divine Satisfaction to feel....
The colours in First Cosmos were Floating...
And to Him.. The One. It seemed Real.

From now on, all would follow Evolution.
Protected by a Lawful Word that Resounds.
The Flower of Life's twist, the Vortex' opposite solution,
The Grain of Po, the Spin, the First of the Aums.

Breathe... Inhale and Exhale...
The Point of the Life that Knows All.
That has Ever Existed, but Veil
it chose, to create it through a Law

that the Singularity's only Chance is.
Life Evolving through evolving None.
But God Burst Out Born, and the Bliss
of Life Born from Unexistance is One.

Just as what on Earth we believe in, scientific.
Organic matter evolved from primordial soup.
But the physical laws are organised and strict, terrific,
as to how they objective are to Chaos and Probable ... Cube.

Ah, it Was Perfect. Followed Days Seven.
And just as the Seventh approached,
Morgoth woke up and annihilated, he deadened.
He Saw he had Dreamt it, just Coached

By another creature, a God of a Realm.
Probably a Son's Sacred Quest in a Branch.
Eru Iluvatar, his Creator's name, overwhelmed,
Melkor found out the Flame was Only Eru's Launch.

But it Was His Perfect Creation...?
And He was all-Benevolent Creator.
To coordinate all Processed, even damnation,
unbiased, free-will-giving, and now a Subjugator

turned out to have Created Him
Out of a Flame He possessed;
The Imperishable Simply gave him A dream
unachieavable, it caused His unrest.

He burned to Black Ash, a Chaos of Evil.
Creating Only Discord of Thought of His Own.
Angelic Choirs their intent sang out but ex-primeval,
Melkor Many of them dragged to his Crown.

First, he caused Unease in the Music,
a Second Time their Seduction Within...
The Third Time, Eru's Echoed, Causing Oneness that Sticks...
And Melkor could not disrupt the Hymn.

Eru Iluvatar, The One that Is,
The Mystery Unsolved in All Days,
Lawfully the Word Uttered with His
Might and Showed to Morgoth the Ways:

"Mighty are the Ainur, and mightiest among them is Melkor;
but that he may know, and all the Ainur, that I am Ilúvatar,
those things that ye have sung, I will show them forth,
that ye may see what ye have done."

"And thou Melkor shalt see that no theme may be played that hath not it’s uttermost source in me, nor can any alter the music in my despite for he that attempteth shall prove but mine instrument in the devising of things more wonderful which he himself hath not imagined.."

Yet I stand here, dismayed.
As I am surest of a Truth.
The first Eru I saw and that waved
to me was Melkor's Root.

Therefore, there is a hidden depth..
beyond the fate of Morgoth, the Monster Devoid.
Is it Evil swirling to accumulate it, wept....
And then to Purify Eru, assimilating the Android?

If fragments get gathered, Life shall have Soul.
The Spark Adamantine is the separation's own Flame.
But there is a catch, there is one secret to know.
Each fragment's responsible for completing this Game.

They shall Fill The Vessel to Find We'd forgotten.
We, an Organiser's Mind.
We, the Forth Divinity Begotten.


Unless We go Blind.

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