Cosmological Poems of Arda by AaronAzrael

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Melkor's Smile

What does make Melkor smile...?

Melkor was carefully hearkening
to ideas unveloping before him,
ambitious and absolute; darkening,
he smirked, abundant with vim.

He turned to blackened smoke,
swirling as a vortex of attraction.
Then his voice echoed and woke
a truce that is always in action.

"How interesting affirming a choice is.
If you have a high ideal,
even opposing the Source, rejoicings
are still a Cause that's worth the feel.

Not that I should be excused.
For crime is never to be self-belittled.
But the firm pursuit of the accused
reflects inspiration in the resolution acquitted.

Therefore, the spirit that in impetus rose
cannot causate true pointless results.
Yet how I mourn for victims, for those
who I tortured and, prolonged, their pulse

had to flow through their veins abandoned,
as a sacrificial lamb of God's eternal mercy.
Trillions of years in patience you stand and
there is no other way, for rushing is not worth it.

"You shall create freely but remember with vigour"
Our generous Father allowed our onsets at dawn.
"The fruit of your efforts you should endure"
This is only just but painfully slow... My Crown

carries the burden of changed perception to belief;
past pleasure of murder and corruption
has turned into a harvest of tears in grief,
crushed birthday smiles of innocents in abduction.

What a way to expand, though, it's dire!
Yet Life cannot be complete without it all.
Characters enriching in ordeal, amid choir
of bliss in other dimensions in peace and law.

Angels forevermore lamenting,
with the purest of hearts and intentions...
Adventurers and volunteers, are they repenting,
when sadism physical pain inflicts in damnations??

I'd laugh with amusement damn savage,
did my heart really ever visit my void assoiled?
I heartfelt their vulnerable hopes now, damaged,
my repentance and pain, so mellow, can't recoil.

Where is the Flame Imperishable and does our Eru
possess it as the sole Creator of our Arda home?
Yes. He's the launching force and the bearer
of the First Cause that revived Life in Ea's womb.

My vision now has shifted,
to another angle of the Truce of Flames,
the Flower of Life has gifted
the Imperishable to all sparks in overflowing domains....

Everything is already there,
everything that can combine,
timelines, matrix and numerals are heirs
to God's love for all manifested spirals adamantine.....

I laugh perturbed and accomplishedly proud,
I can still repeat my decisive cuttings of heads,
all blood, let's spill it, and let the lamb scream hard,
I enjoy it, yet tenderly I put the lambs in beds.

For the meaning of life I see in corruption,
spreading malice and the justice of chaos in black,
yet did the naive eyes convince me of eruption
of pity on those cute helpless children, crushed when attacked.

Should I kill you or caress you I should...?
Should I try to Eru overpower?
No... Life is twisting and good
deeds the Source make shower.

I've carefully listened her love for the Aum.
So serious and pouring cold fresh aqua vitae...
And suddenly... It just unleashed, the elation, the hum,
Alleluia, hosannah and Amen.

My life-altering echo shall forever resound,
chanting the true meaning of my existance,
the inspiration I missed, how I love the Well's sound...
I'm letting Love flow ... it flew with resistance,

for even my hatred is an expression of love,
just another angle of my inspiration...
I stare below... then stare above...
And I caress the needy, living their divine frustration...

I wanted to be God, still want it.
As a spark inherited I yield all Life Force.
But should this suffice, or shan't it...
I am absolute as mirrors glassing doors,

my soul foundation shall combine reflections,
my upgrading present mostly tastes of power...
God's real Might is Purity, Unconditional Patience
and it is mostly of Loving Care gentle shower.

I love to be alive, I thank you, Father!
Your Trinitary Eternity that allowed me to exist.
I don't envy you, I'm sharing with my brother
Sauron, in equality with you, the Imperishable One I can't resist.

I am happy, as I've dreamt it,
Might I did possess inside already,
dream big and your clever wit
can become the Infinite... Tar-Mairon, are you ready?"

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