Cosmological Poems of Arda by AaronAzrael

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Eru The Ilúvatar

Father Sabaoth loved from the Sky,
transcendental empty Creation.
Directing the circle's Cube, Alive,
he had In Thought Preparation.

Why should he shape it all,
gifting alone lack of meaning?
His sphere of action is the Law.
"Elohim!" he uttered, winning.

The Flame Imperishable ignited,
at the centre of Netzach's membrane,
The Makers of Form He United,
Life's Outpouring Nexus reigned.

The Creator and Sustainer of Perfection,
Hierarch of The Elohim The Twelve,
Divine Directors serving reflections
of diffracted fractals and atomic shelfs.

The Source connecting I AM wires,
Three-Fold flame in Heart to Form,
Maha Elohim Ouranos' Eternal Fire,
in his hand victoriously storms!

He looked around and saw the Gloria:
Hercules, Apollo, Heros and Astrea;
Cyclopea, Peace, Arcturus and Victoria,
ready to serve seven rays of epopee!

He observed the Void Preexisting,
Ready to Emanate with Their Voice.
The Hierarch, steady, started twisting,
Eru, the protector of his Choice.

The All-Avatar Uttered "Ea!"
and He Trembled within.
Then the Forms were there
and He started the Music to win.

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