Cosmological Poems of Arda by AaronAzrael

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Sauron, If your eyes were a...

My glossary is speechless before the depths of your Eyes.

"What are you doing?" He appeared.
I was taken by surprise and shock.
I have never seen his attire near
such a vengeance passionate, I'm struck.

I knew he's evil.
I knew he's blood pitch red.
Yet he's differently lethal
around my presence, or in bed.

So far he's been gentle.
Understanding, subtle like a feather.
Today I saw him mental,
his fire, fierce lava, in raw leather.

The black and golden ornaments.
This eye-consuming vivid hair,
beauty unutterable, for his hands
are merciless, My Cruel Honey Bear.

I got comfortable with sweet understanding.
Did I piss him off or something?
Sudden erruption of jealosy of his strangling
piercing gaze, I'm thirsty, My King.

I had forgotten you are evil.
I convinced you of God in bubble baths.
Hosannas and all, but the chills
when facing for the first time your wrath.

God, I saw you murdering.
Erubescent fluids squirting from beheaded
random victims; hurting,
burning villages in smoke and ashes dead.

What did you do to my head?
What were those visions unexpected?
You said... previously, that you wept
for the least favourite, you kept it

a secret that you though like it?
Or was it a metaphor of future deeds?
Maybe... you fixed it, seemingly inside it,
what aren't you used to, prince of My needs?

When you said it would be justified,
my heart got pierced with your spiked romancy,
I knew it... you didn't do it. Didn't lie.
Yet you're unpredictable, this I do fancy.

If your eyes were a glacier,
I'd see myself as frozen water.
If they melt it, a turned against me laser,
would I the teardrops manage to gather?

If you were a volcano erupting,
and I were the ecstasy of fire's fly,
but then the fall down corrupting,
you left me land without catching me high?

If you never followed me to save me?
After exiliration to the ultimate infinity?
Your eyes are poisonous wine, so enslave me
for sexual purposes that restore my virginity?

If your eyes... if they were venom,
they would be the mamba black,
as you are incomparable in this phenomenon...
These eyes, they are black holes that suck

all my emotions, I'm numb now.
Have you seen a black hole shining as amber?
We did it, right? We took a vow...
Just for the sake of it; we trust, my salamander.

This hand that is firm when slaying.
I saw how unwavering you cut with axe
the child's innocent hair so praying,
it feel down in blood, and your grin was black,

briskly red, and fresh like tangerine;
and I fear your cunning intellect,
for it's insidious for things unseen.
Yet with trust your treacherous Eye I reflect.

Now I saw your Shadow living.
Sauron, you're the Enemy, the Gorthaur.
My Bezkrupokchazar Kraiarzogduhm winning
everything he desires now or ever, always sure...

I love you. I am sorry.
Your bursting blaze did surprise
my curve, and now I'm worried..
But I believe you. It's not a disguise.

It was and it is who you are, exactly.
Always splash, spit, hiss and jizz,
for this is your elemental engine... In fact we,
will we survive when we explode in bliss?

Be a glacier, volcano or caustic poison.
All nuances in your eyes, a mystery to me.
They are always flame... and your son,
that I will bear, will inherit it, that you shall see.

Our love is forever.
Otherwise there is no meaning...
And we are clever.. we are clever.
In fractals we are spinning.

When there is a higher purpose,
divine inspiration and the spiral of God,
our cursed peach lips cannot be hurt by those
little jealous inclinations of our thought.

Anyways, what about destroying the world?
Observing this infinity like the Endless Ghost?
Each atom you'll decipher, Ann, you're whirled
with Melkor and me, and you shall be the host

of all the currents and fragments of this Spirit.
I will not allow it to be otherwise.
Just believe it, pursue it, abide by just ways and it
will unvelop its perfection to your highs.

Always hearing the just frustrations,
the driving source; and your intent so taint
or pure is always steady, so... damnations
of the Enemy. Now you're holy and a saint.

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