Many Journeys by Elleth

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Insight (*)

Galadriel fights alongside the Elves of Doriath against the Sons of Fëanor, who sent her brother to his death. Potentially AU; violence and blood, character death. (Double Drabble.)

They sent her brother to his death. She heard the tale – he died well, Beren said, weeping with the memory while she stood cold and white before him, died fighting, as though the House of Arafinwë, when they die, die like mortals, or like cowards choosing grief. He died all the same.

She ducks, stabs upward; another kinsman falls, upon a wide-eyed, dead-eyed, silver-haired woman, and then she’s reached the throne room. The sudden lull catches her thoughts off-guard: It is petty pride that has driven two of them, the wolves she seeks, alone in pursuit of Dior – dead – and Nimloth – dead.

It is petty pride that drives her here.

Tyelkormo is already dead. Curufinwë sits gasping in a corner, Nimloth’s dagger lodged in his ribcage to the crossguard. She crouches near, and he laughs, “Artanis,” and the word sprays her face with blood. It is not joy, nor a plea for help, it’s his idea of dying well, seeking to rob her of revenge, dying gloating, for she knows he understands her coming here.

Her sword, then raised, sinks. Neither petty pride nor this will return Findaráto. They have all already served the Enemy enough.

Chapter End Notes

Written for Zaatar on tumblr.

Potentially AU insofar that there is no mention of Galadriel at the Fall of Doriath or participating in that kinslaying.

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