Many Journeys by Elleth

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And Seashells in His Hair

Fingon/Maedhros: The Mermaid AU. (Crack!)

The first shell conks Fingon on the head, bounces off the wash basin and smashes on the floor, the rest continue pelting him while he washes and dresses, all thrown by a not-quite-irate Maedhros who remains in bed, legs (legs!) invitingly akimbo and glaring mutely at his lover.

“Will you stop that?” Fingon quirks an eyebrow, grinning, watching how Maedhros’ eyes narrow and his mouth opens into a ‘no’, except, of course, no sound comes out; that’s how the story goes, even if it makes for a somewhat awkward sex life, and kissing to break the spell, wellll, they haven’t found the right spot to kiss yet (hint: it’s not the lips), though are working on that problem.

He throws another one, hopefully the last to tumble out of his hair when he moves, because he’s had it up to here with Fingon’s shenanigans - maybe he’d consider it a side effect of the oath he swore to escape that oppressive ocean-floor paradise (it’s not like there is a precedent for that sort of thing, and magic can be unpredictable) - but given his lover’s propensity for extravagant hair ornaments that’s a ridiculous assumption to make, and at any rate, they have more important things to worry about - like kissing.

Chapter End Notes

This was far too much fun to write to feel sorry for; similarities with either the original Little Mermaid or Disney's treatment of it are purely accidental (*cough*).

Requested for an AU meme on tumblr by Zeen.

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