Many Journeys by Elleth

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Roaring Twenties

Elves-in-History AU: Amras and Nellas in the 1920s Chicago gangster era.

They were swept into the city from the diminishing forests of Old Europe, a century ago, but lately they’ve been mired down, and doing their best to climb above the common morass.

“The city roars, the whole decade roars,” says Nellas one evening, perched on a windowsill high above the darkening city, like a marten ready to leap, and Amras stands with his arms around her, and continues, “It’s the guns, mortals made them far too loud. Here.”

The silencer, wrapped quaintly with forest-green ribbon, for Nellas likes quaint things (and this one she’ll wear in her hair), is easily the best gift she’s lately had.

Chapter End Notes

Written for an AU meme request by Iavalir on tumblr.

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