Many Journeys by Elleth

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Terribly Bad Ideas

Nerdanel, Fëanor, a stranger in a blue box, and just what the title says. Crossover, humor.

“Well, you could come, you’ve got until… 1449, that’s centuries, pop back here every now and then, babies that need birthing, family matters, but - literally, you’ve got ages, could do anything, take a roundtrip to Cuiviénen, watch Varda at work, find the Flame Imperishable - I love a long-lived race, that’s so refreshing!”

Nerdanel wonders who and what the rambling person before her is, exactly - she has never met an Ainu with a double heartbeat, nor one travelling in a mysterious blue box that appeared smack in the middle of her father’s main workshop and nearly toppled the statue of Aulë that dominates the room. She exchanges a glance with Fëanáro, who looks at once incredulous, as though he’s burning with curiosity (when isn’t he?) and ready to skewer the stranger with a chisel, but then he lowers his improvised weapon and grabs her hand to tug her toward the box, exclaiming:

“Find the Flame Imperishable, you said? Nerdanel, come on!”

Chapter End Notes

This couldn't possibly end well. Written for an AU meme request by l33tsaber on tumblr.

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