Many Journeys by Elleth

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Fingon emerges from the Halls of Mandos.

He’s imagined the moment of his release before, the heartbeat proclaiming him alive again, the triumphant emergence from the gates of Mandos standing as an arch of open light before him to welcome his return into the world, family waiting in the warming sun.

When the day has come, he stumbles upward naked, barefoot, cutting himself on rocks, and it is an agonizing screech of stone over stone as the gates grind open; he is nearly anchored to the spot by his own heaviness, weak, breath and heartbeat as-yet-new-again, unused and laborious.

Outside, an early morning laves the northern grass with dew cooling his feet - but like a star, a patch of firelight in the waste beckons, dark figures around it, and as-yet-new-again eyes squint to make them out for certain: waiting for the last of night to pass, his family.

Chapter End Notes

Written for Starspray on tumblr.

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