Mereth Aderthad by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Newest Chapter: 8 - "Promises and Negotiations." This is the story of the events of the Feast of Reuniting. A continuation of my interpretation of the tales of the Noldor in the First Age, focusing principally, but not solely upon Fingon and Maedhros. (See Maitimo and Findekáno and A New Day, which precede this one in the story cycle.) I'd like to thank the writers of the Lizard Council, including IgnobleBard, Elfscribe, Erulisse, Russandol, Hallbera, Lilithlessfair, Surgical Steel, and particularly Pandemonium. Also, want to thank Spiced Wine for her ongoing support of this story.

MEFA 2009,  First Place - Elves: Incomplete

Major Characters: Daeron, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Mablung, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Adult


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 10 Word Count: 28, 423
Posted on 14 September 2008 Updated on 18 March 2015

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

Thanks to IgnobleBard, Moreth, Pandemonium, Claudio and all the gang at Lizard Council for help and corrections. (The credit for the chapter title goes to IgnobleBard.)

Many thanks to IgnobleBard for the Beta and, on the Lizard Council, to Moreth for reading and Pandemonium for extremely useful picks.

This is a short chapter. The next one, which is much more political and less personal and romantic, should follow much sooner, since I divided a longer one into two to make this one.

Comments on Mereth Aderthad

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I've loved Maglor for more years than I care to remember so when I saw your title I jumped on it right away. I was not disappointed.

I liked very much the contrast between the wild deer dance of the wood-elves and the thorough, note-taking Noldor. It tells a lot about cultural differences in just one scene. Also Makalure's vulnerability after all he's been through. Also I'm always interested in finding out how different authors tackle the issue of his missing wife.

I'll be looking forward to the next chapters.

Thank so much for reading and commenting. I am so happy that you enjoyed the first chapter. I had a lot of fun writing the deer dance scene. I sneaked in some African religious drums used in Cuban music as well. Some of my real life work (translation from Spanish into English) spilled over into my fanfiction.

I almost included a discussion in that first chapter of Maglor's wife who stayed behind, but my trusted Beta (a man) talked me into holding it until a future chapter. He said that was the last thing those two men would have been discussing under the circumstances. But she definitely has a story, which will come out in this novella. (Unfortunately, she won't be there to verify any of the details.)

Former SWG user

16 years 4 months ago

This is delightful. I know I shouldn't really laugh at some-one having been given something like magic mushrooms, but it's written with such a light touch. I wonder if part of Fingon's mind is watching him and thinking, ' Facepalm. ' Lol.

Thank you, Lethe. Glad it entertained you. Poor Findekano, I really think you are right and he is conscious enough of what is going on to be thinking exactly that. I'm looking forward to getting back to more of what happens with him before the night is over. He is able to make an adventure out of almost any mishap.

Former SWG user

16 years 4 months ago

I adore your Daeron and Maglor, Oshun. they are just a wonderful pairing and now Daeron's character is emerging and he is so engaging. I love Maglor anyway, and I love the way you have portrayed him in this and other writings. I love that Daeron is written so, as many people think he was over-obsessed by Lúthien and his brilliance is overshadowed. I love the way your AU - which is my better-than-canon absolute favorite 'epic ' of the Elder Days, keeps growing and weaving in the lives of all these fantastic characters.

Thanks so much, Lethe. I am enjoying trying to get to know Maglor and Daeron better. Of course, someone else will have to tell Luthien's side. Come to think of it, I don't recall anyone ever really exploring how Daeron felt in great detail, so I don't feel bad about blatantly taking his POV here.

The continued character development of Maitimo & Findekáno  in Mereth Aderthad is marvelous!  You've written their personalities is such a vivid manner and do so in a wonderfully consistent way.

Stoned Káno just killed me in the previous chapters, and he continues to do so here.  The dialog between the two fellows sparkles.  I can't get enough of it.

Loved Maitimo's reflections on Findaráto, i.e., that imperial beneficience.  Again, you've given Finrod a distinguished and interesting personality which makes me want to know more about him. 

This development between Daeron and Macalaurë intrigues me, and I anticipate seeing what you do with that and the story behind Macalaurë's issues with the spouse he left behind.  Loved Daeron's take on Lúthien.  Heh. 

You made Mablung memorable right out of the gate as well as Malgalad.  I'm not sure anyone can be as blunt as Káno, but Mablung seems up to the challenge. 

The mixing of cultures is wonderful, too.  The deer dance, in all its feral glory (love the "organic" ankle bells) is a fantastic device to illustrate the cultural differences between the almost atavistic wood-elves and the "civilized" Noldor.

Descriptive passages are nicely done, too.  Good for visualization but they do not bog down the pace of the story.

And this...

...something forever compelling about reducing that ball of energy to a puddle of mush...

*Sigh*  What a wonderful sentiment.

I don't want Maitimo & Findekáno's story to end, but canonically speaking, I know it will.  All the same, I'm enjoying the ride.

Thanks for looking at it again and your comment. I think I more or less outed myself there with the description of tripping Fingon. I have no idea why I included that story element—was looking for something to indicate possible cultural differences and that idea just popped up. There are some instigators in the writing group I work with (Lizard Council) who have a tendency to applaud my most ridiculous scenarios. Then when dealing with a character as adventurous and implusive as my Fingon almost nothing seems too outrageous for him to try at least once.

Former SWG user

15 years 3 months ago

This is beautiful, Oshun. There is such chemistry and tenderness between them I can feel it coming off the screen.

It was not long before the atmosphere turned almost too bright, too treacherous for Daeron to bear, as though he were lost and would never be found, that nothing would ever again be as it had been for him, yet perfectly right.

Absolutely gorgeous!

Macalaurë gave him a bittersweet smile which, despite its poignancy, contained enough heat to melt iron.

Oh, I can just see that! And the bittersweetness of Maglor's smile seems to echo that of all the exiles.

I simply adore this pairing and how you are telling it.

You're fast as a flash of light! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. Hopefully the next chapter will be along soon (since it is already almost written). I found I was unexpectedly writing two totally different chapters as one and really ought to just divide them and post the first half on it own. The next is Maedhros, Finrod and Fingolfin talking about politics and worrying. They really are two different chapters--mood, setting and characters.

So glad you still enjoy the story after such a long break. 

Ah, my new account. I could not remember the password.

I must have *sensed* this was up as I don't seem to get notifications, although I do get author responses.

Your politics is always  superb, and of course I love anything with your Maedhros and Fingon, so I look forward to the next chapter, too! :)


I'm rereading these earlier chapters because I know I've missed a couple and remembering how much I liked this one.  There are a couple of paces such as a very put out Macalaure saying "This is a nightmare" that gave me a genuine belly-laugh.  The following are just classics:

"This is a nightmare," Macalaurë sighed.

"These two are generally the most sane among my brothers and cousins," Macalaurë said to Daeron.

"Oh, I am so sick at my stomach," Findekáno groaned. "Don't worry. I won't throw up on your bed."

"Apparently, complete lack of control over his mouth," Macalaurë added,

"As though he ever needed that," Macalaurë groused.

"Fuck you, Macalaurë," Findekáno said,

"Whoops," Findekáno said.

Thanks. You have no idea how much that encourages me. It is easy with Tolkien fanfic to get the feeling it has all been written. Of course, I don't really believe that! I am far too opinonated. Envious! Oh, my! Coming from someone who writes like you, you have me pinching myself to be sure I am awarke. Thank you!

I always love your interactions; the characters are so different and so real. It makes this such a smooth joy to read.

As I love your Maedhros and Fingon so dearly, I cannot help but be saddened and angry that any-one should come between them, or that Fingon would ever be even slightly happy with any-one else, man or woman. However, since I cannot see Gil-galad as any-one's son but Fingon's, there has to be a wife, and the best marriage Fingon could make is to some-one who understands. I am afraid I can't help my feelings on this, solely because of how you have written this couple. If I did not feel the dynamics and magnetism between them, if I had not fallen in love with the pair of them through your work, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest, so I hope that you take this as a compliment, as it is meant to be. the feelings you evoke in me with your writing are just intense!

Sometimes I simply don't care which characters are paired, and feel nothing between them, but with these two I simply want to growl warningly if any-one even touches the edges of their relationship. XD.

It does have to be this way, though to bring in Gil-galad (He's so obviously Fingon's boy to me, who cares that it was apparently a mistake in the geneologies?)

Wonderful chapter and I have been looking forward to it for ages! You never disapoint. I hope that after all the problems you had with your internet and computer over the last year, we may see another chapter up in the not-too-distant future.


Oh, love your Finrod, too :)

Thanks for your comments. Thoughts that Maedhros and Fingon are having about whether they will be able to do this or not, or how it is going to work, are just the tip of iceberg. I think that all involved are a little overly optimistic at the moment. I didn't like the idea of Fingon doing something that he hadn't considered seriously and was actually willing to make a decision to try. I think they both believe that nothing can come between the two of them after what they have already gone through, not a marriage or children or anything else. In one sense they are correct, in another, it is never that simple. I do believe after all the death they have seen between Alqualonde and the period of relative peace they are enjoying at the time of this story, that Fingon would have taken lightly the idea of producing an heir. There are a range of different political outlooks in the Noldor. Don't think that two guys as smart and serious as Maedhros and Fingon would leave the outcome to fate without trying to wrestle with it. Sorry, I am babbling. Hope I can hold your interest for the tale. I know you were looking forward to more Maglor and Daeron and they remain one of the major threads in his novella.

Good to see Tadiel again--I always liked her. Is this turning into a prequel to a story you've already written that I can't seem to remember the title of? (Sorry--what a wonderfully clear and comprehensible question!) You are taking this story in surprising directions!

Thanks for so much for reading, Himring! Relentlessly comitted to sharing my interpretation of Fingon and Maedhros, I will tell you (never shy, am I? LOL)--it's in my ficlet collection "It Gives a Lovely Light" under the title of "Fingon's Heir" ( Actually "Fingon's Heir" is hardly a story enough to be considered worthy of a real prequel, but that ficlet was the first time I considered on paper that Fingon might actually be Gil-galad's daddy.

It was a challenge to figure out how Fingon got himself an heir. Lots more to that story, but probably back to Daeron and Maglor's skating on thin ice politically before I pick up the rest of it.

>>"Maitimo has decided that Findekáno needs an heir,"<<

Poor Findekáno! Being the heir can be quite the burden. I do hope he will manage to rise to the occasion (pity it isn't Maitimo's job - he seem to be much more up to the challenge!), but at least it seems Tadiel has some ideas about how to encourage him. Looking much forward to reading this scene. *g*

I laughed at Nolofinwë's remarks about pillow talk: he just never removes his politician's hat, does he? But of course he's right, although I don't envy Maitimo the job of impressing the need of discretion upon his brother; for some reason, I imagine Macalaurë might resent that quite a bit.


Thanks for reading and commenting, Lissa. I just realized (a year from I started!) that this truly is the novella of not just secrets kept, which I did know from the beginning, but also of conflicts noted and differences of opinion about how to manage all of these things going forward.

Maitimo, of course, would have been the heir without the trauma of the Oath in their lives. I wonder if he would have been even as cooperative as Fingon if he had been the one required to wed and produce the children. It might be easier for Maitimo and Fingon to know that Fingon is not very interested in women. Perhaps it would have been more of a strain on their relationship if Maitimo who in my verse is truly the more bi-sexual one had been in Fingon's position.

On a lighter note. I do intend to have a little more fun with the threesome before I leave that aspect of the story. And look at it from Tadiel's point of view. It's a stretch for me to make her motivation seem plausible, since I have no one pushing her into the union.

I am enjoying this continuity very much. I like how you set up the eventual threesome between Tadiel, Maedhros and Fingon in A New Day, and finding the payoff here is most satisfying.

However, I would be remiss if I did not whine a little about how you like to tease with the possibility of a Maedhros, Fingon and Finrod threesome and then yank all hope away so cruelly. It hurts even more because your charactarazation makes these already beautiful creatures even more frightfully beautiful, and the sexual tension and frustration between theese three elves and within myself as I read is so palpable as to be illegal in all 50 states.

I would ask if it is your intention to ever write this threesome in this particular continuity, which would be most preferable. If it is not, then I woulld ask if you could still write it someday even if it is AU.

Now that I am done whining, I would also like to compliment your writing concenring the deer dance in the first chapter. Any more traditions you could concieve as belonging to the different elven tribes of the Avari will be most welcome in the future.

I'm happy you are enjoying the story. The next chapter should be finished after all of this month's holiday preparations,

I do not know if I will ever write the Fingon/Maedhros/Finrod story. As you can tell it tempts me greatly, but I keep trying to beat it down. Perhaps an AU to my main storyline would be the way to get it out of my mind.

Thanks for the generous remarks about the deer dance--one of my own favorite scenes among those I have written. My writing is always influenced by what I know--it's likely there would be over time introduction of other real world customs into the history of the different elven tribes as I write them.

Thanks so much again for reading and commenting!!

I read this over the weekend, and it was lovely. I think I've somewhat lost direction in the timeline of your fics, but ah well. Serves me right for not reading them in the right order. It was easy enough to follow anyway. I think this was the first longer fic ( other than TPATHL ) I read by you, and it doesn't disappoint! The main difference is in points of view, I think, and I like that your elves behave much the same as in the Third Age fic - the dialogue, at least - yet seem eh, completely different because they're not from a human point of view. The differences between Sindar and Noldor were also worked out in an interesting way. I'm sure I had more to say, but I can't come up with anything at this point, haha

Thank you so much! Not very many people here have seen the P&THL! I am so bad. I have chapters more than half finished of each the P&THL and Mereth Aderthad. What I consider my personal favorite is the short novel (longer than a novella, but not an epic novel like P&THL). I cannot resist asking you to read that if you have not. Thank you again for all of the supportive comments. (Have to get back to work!)

Hurrah! It's up! :) I know I saw this on the LC, but I will say again how much I enjoy, really adore these two.

Maglor's remeniscences are so interesting, until curtailed by his concern about what he is saying. Another facet of your work I love is the politics, which is always so fascinatingly written, and is so much a part of the work that it's prefectly blended with the characters. Maglor couldn't be a spy apparently, but he's astute, and Daeron is lovely and he sees a great deal:

It's clear to me that your countrymen came here in distress as well as ambition. Your people are entitled to the privacy of their grief.

Huge thanks for updating!

You posted it!!

Daeron, Maglor, how good to see you both! (Hugs them.)

So far they are handling the more difficult aspects of the relationship very nicely and I like Daeron's independentmindedness, but I fear the actual details of Alqualonde might be too much for Daeron's tolerance...

Thanks for reading! Maglor cannot tell Daeron about it in this novel. Big elephant in the room. But they   have completely divided loyalties in this story. Who knows how much would be too much for Daeron they way I write it. Doriath wasn't exactly paradise for him either. He did not get the girl and they rejected his greatest creation--his Runic alphabet--“the Naugrim that came to Thingol learned them, and were well-pleased with the device, esteeming Daeron's skill higher than did the Sindar, his own people.”

I love writing Daeron and Maglor. There is,unfortunately, none of them in the next chapter (but lots of Fingon and Maedhros)--editing at the moment and will post in a day or two. Then the one after that has a lot of Daeron and Maglor again, as well as various other people also, like Finrod and Mablung and other canon characters.

Thanks again for reading and commenting.


I think you've handled this so competently! After all, this is so much more than just a romp. They may be three beautiful, self-confident and also experienced people (in Fingon's and Tadiel's case, with certain limits). But they are still laying a lot on the line here. This is stuff that could well ruin their lives if they get it wrong. I think you've shown this accurately and got the pace right. No need to worry about it not flowing well!

Oh, thank you so much. It was so important for me to show that they would have to all have fears (or rationalizations at least). Everytime I tried to get it right, it got longer and I got more worried. Hopefully, now I can get back to my more comfortable parts of the story--politics in Beleriand! Yay!

OMG! I missed this really nice review. I came here to check for continuity. Working a little on the next chapter and glanced at the reviews to make sure I had not missed any and sure enough I had. Please accept my apologies and thank you so very much for reading and commenting on this.

This fic is really lovely so far! Your characterization is immaculate. I love how you handled Maitimo, Findekano and Tadiel especially, how they clicked surprisingly well, and still maintained that undercurrent of doubt and discomfort. It is a very realistic portrayal of a couple attempting to adapt to a sudden but necessary change in the nature of their relationship.  It also never occurred to me that I wanted Maglor/Daeron to be a thing that happened. As with all stories of this nature, I always catch myself hoping it all turns out well despite my awareness of impending tragedy.

Oh, whee! That you for the lovely, lovely comment. I really need to finish the next chapter and post it. I am very late. Ashamed of myself. It really means a lot of me that you are enjoying this story. It is one of the important ones within my personal canon for them. (I get distracted sometimes.)

Thank you so  very much for reading and commenting!

I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet. I must have read it at least a few times! I love your characterisations of Maglor and Daeron - and your Fingon is so delightfully quirky!

"Macalaurë began to speak, "Next thing he will do is ask . . ."

Registering too late that Macalaurë was already speaking, Findekáno interrupted, "How was your first time, Macalaurë? Did you like it? You look like you did.""

I love passages like these. It makes it so evident that, despite their bickering, they are very close friends. I'd love to see more interactions between Fingon and Maglor, but that doesn't seem to be much of a thing (yet).

Your descriptions, as usual, are great. Very clean, and very fresh. I like the fact that they're not vague, and hence that one doesn't have to imagine the characters as blobs. :)
