Mereth Aderthad by oshun

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Further illustrations for this story.

Mereth Aderthad.

deer dance kiss

"The hunter is kissing the deer?" Macalaurë asked, his voice husky with strong feeling.

"No. Not exactly." Daeron watched as the hunter Elf did not quickly release the lips of the one who had played the deer.

"Well, in this case, you may be right. But that is something added. Inhibitions freed by the intensity of the moment. The ritual in its purest form requires only that the tribesman who brings down the stag show his desire to partake of its nobility and courage by appearing to inhale its dying breath. Usually indicated by placing his lips above those of the other dancer or touching them lightly. I have also heard that movement described as being symbolic of gratitude to the deer for giving his life to feed their people or a way of easing the animal to peacefully accept its death."

"Oh, whatever the explanation, that young man kissed that deer," Macalaurë stated emphatically.

Go see the rest of them here: Season of Writing Dangerously Prize for Oshun

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