Short stories of Valinor by Aprilertuile

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1 - holidays in coming perhaps

Prompt : miss mountain bay nineteen

Fëanàro was in the garden of their house, watching his youngest sons play loudly with Tyelkormo’s dog, when Nerdanel joined him:

“You look pensive, beloved. She noted, passing her arm around his shoulders.

-Our wedding anniversary is approaching. Fëanàro answered.

-I’m aware. What do you have in mind?

-What would you say to leave the children with Nelyo, and go, you and me, alone, back to that mountain lodge, with view on the bay? Fëanàro asked.

-Together only? That’s an idea. I missed travelling alone with you, husband mine. Nerdanel answered with a charming smile.

-When do you want to leave?

-How about in nineteen days? We’ll need time to warn Nelyo to start with, warn our customers that we’re taking off, and… Warn my people to see with Nelyo or Curufinwë if they have anything to report.”

One of the twins shrieked as Huan made him fall on the floor, and his brother threw a branch… Right into the nearest window, making it come down with a crash of broken glass.

“Nineteen days.” Fëanàro whispered with longing even as his beloved wife went to deal with the twins.

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