Short stories of Valinor by Aprilertuile

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2 - A (perhaps not) perfectly fine celebration

Prompt : Symmetrical, bread, ribbon, fall

Makalaurë was in a corner of the room, standing with Findaràto and regretting all his life-choices. And regretting at least one of his cousins. The Ball in honor of the latest grand-child of the family was going… Well so far.

The music was… nice enough, he supposed, if only that harpist hadn’t butchered one of his own pieces to start with… Findaràto was still laughing at him for that one.

But really it was all a bit boring. Everything in the room was symmetrically arranged, up to the bread on the table! Who was stuck up to the point of caring about how bread was arranged on a table?

Anyway… In a corner a flash of red drew his head, and Makalaurë could help rolling his eyes. Of course, where his eldest brother was, so was cousin Findekàno with his golden ribbons and annoyingly cheerful personality.

No really that evening was going well, a perfect little disaster and if Findaràto didn’t stop laughing at him for that atrocious murder of his music, family gathering, baby celebration, diplomatic incident and late fall chilly weather or not, he’d push him in the nearest fountain!

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