Short stories of Valinor by Aprilertuile

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8 - To the river

Prompt : Kick - Swim - Airborne - Rigging

Maitimo and Findekàno were enjoying the ride alongside a river not too far from their respective houses.

They had both been talking about their respective studies and activities. Findekàno was telling his cousin about what he had learnt of the rigging of the teleri ships, a little thing he had learnt from messing it all up on an outing with Arafinwë’s family recently. .

For once they had managed to escape without sibling or cousins tagging along, a true feat.

“It’s starting to get hot, shall we go for a swim? Findekàno suggested enthusiastically, changing suddenly the subject of conversation.

-Sure, why not?”

They stopped and dismounted and freed their horses, and then rushed toward the water, undressing in a hurry.

However, Findekàno, in the process of getting rid of his tunic had lost his balance on a wet river stone, falling against Maitimo who found himself suddenly airborne as he lost his own balance and found himself somewhat thrown accidentally into the river, cousin slipping in after him.

They ended in the water in a mess of limbs, the younger of the two kicking his cousin in the head, himself narrowly missing hitting his head against another stone.

They both sat in the river looking vaguely shocked at what just happened, and as they exchanged a look they suddenly found the situation hilarious and started laughing together.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading

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