Short stories of Valinor by Aprilertuile

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5 - The fall of the rings

This answers the prompts : artistic - rings - balance - tumble

Fëanàro entered the kitchen of the house only to find Maitimo alone trying to encourage Tyelkormo, Curufinwë, and Carnistir to eat without involving a food-fight.

By the look of it, his eldest was just so close to throw one or all three of them outside, as the dispute was going strong.

“Where is your mother?

-In her workshop.

-Ah. And Makalaurë?

-In an artistic mood, if you plan to bother him, beware of flying tuning tools and inkpad.” The red-head answered showing him the ink-pad size stain on his hand.

Fëanàro frowned at that even as he put distractedly a couple of new rings on the kitchen counter, balancing on the side of a well placed dish, moving to open a cupboard next to the dish to grab a glass.

“Careful atar…”

Despite Curufinwë’s warning, the door of the cupboard hit the balance and the rings tumbled from it, down to the floor.

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