And we met love along the way by daughterofshadows
Fanwork Notes
Written for the Gnome Tome challenge for the quote "Or as the Eldar say 'met love'"
Fits into Beneath our wings.
I've been wanting to write something about the early stages of Celebrían's & Elrond's relationship in this universe for ages and here it is!
Fanwork Information
Summary: Celebrían & Elrond at the beginning of their journey. It is not love yet, but there are roots for it to grow, and perhaps in time, it will be. Major Characters: Celebrían, Elrond Major Relationships: Celebrían & Elrond, Celebrían/Elrond Challenges: Gnome Tome Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 569 |
Posted on 24 October 2021 | Updated on 31 October 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
And we met love along the way
Read And we met love along the way
“Can I assist you in your search?”
She jumps.
“Oh! That would be much appreciated! Is it true that you have a copy of Amathal’s treatise on the use of common herbs in field medicine? I have been looking to compare their ideas to how Men use those same herbs. There seem to be some inherent differences that I find terribly intriguing—and I am probably boring you. My apologies.”
She blushes, but he only laughs.
“Oh no, please continue! We do have the treatise, but I am afraid it is falling apart. The copying of the works in need of it is going slower than I hoped for.”
Another elf clears his throat politely, and her companion’s wings twitch. Celebrían has to bite her lip to keep the grin off her face. He covers his annoyance well, though, she will give him that.
“It seems duty calls me once more”, he sighs. “Here is the treatise, and I hope we will have an opportunity to talk about it before you leave the city again.”
She smiles brightly. “I would like that very much, I think!”
It takes longer than either of them wished for to meet again.
Elrond has his duties as a herald to attend to, and Celebrían is drawn away from her research by her mother claiming her attention.
She sends a note to Elrond offering to transcribe the treatise, though.
His excitement drips from every word, when he replies and asks whether she would like to add her own thoughts to it.
She hesitates.
“I am hardly qualified for this”, she explains, when they finally sit down to chat.
“Give yourself more credit, my Lady!” Elrond replies. “Your insights on the issue are fascinating to hear, and I believe it could bring many benefits to our alliances with Men. I imagine you could write a treatise on the topic alone and find many takers for it!”
“Then perhaps we could write it together?” she suggests with far more confidence than she feels. “Do not think I did not recognise your writing on the collection of medicinal practices. You know the matter at least as well as I do!”
He blushes down to the tips of his ears; she notices with glee. It is adorable, and she has to firmly stop herself from cooing.
He agrees to write a new treatise with her, and her wings do not stop fluttering in excitement for hours afterwards.
They finish the treatise before the year is out and promptly find a new topic to cover. They work well together, ideas flowing together seamlessly, while new insights grow from any disagreement.
Celebrían stays in Lindon long after her mother has returned home, as she helps to expand the library’s collection of healing texts.
Elrond welcomes her into his family unit, and she is honoured to be one of the few people he cares about deeply.
“He smiles more, these days”, the king says to her once, and she feels quietly pleased.
It is not love yet, but there are roots for it to grow, and perhaps in time, it will be.
She would like that, she thinks.
But for now, she has a friend to distract from his work, so he can eat dinner with her.
She gently flicks a finger against his wing.
“Come! Our meal awaits!”
He laughs and takes her hand.
Awww, it was soft and sweet…
Awww, it was soft and sweet and perfect slow-burn.
Thank you!
Thank you!
It is nice to see those two…
It is nice to see those two bonding over this kind of collaboration! A good start to their relationship.
Glad you think so, too!
Glad you think so, too!
Ahh! How lovely to read of a…
Ahh! How lovely to read of a friendship gradually developing into love. I appreciated your note that "new insights grow from any disagreement" - it's so true, when people don't devolve into a fight, and a mark of mature friendship!
I'm intrigued by your use of "treaty" as well as "treatise", as I thought the former only meant a formal agreement between states. Or small kids' Halloween goodies. ;)
Ahhhh dang it! I thought I…
Ahhhh dang it! I thought I had caught all of them!
I only learned that treaty and treatise were two different things about a paragraph from the end while writing this. They're all supposed to be treatises.
Gotta go fix it.
But thank you!
As an aromantic person, friendship developing into love is about the only way I understand romantic love could ever happen, so I like to write about my characters building their romance on strong platonic foundations.
I'm glad you like it too!
Sweet and lovely
I like that they begin to bond over shared interests. ❤️
Me too! Thanks for your…
Me too!
Thanks for your comment, and sorry for only getting back to you now!
You have rapresented them…
You have rapresented them perfectly. They are so cute awww. I love them.
Thank you!
Thank you!