Worthy of the Valar by Ellynn

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Fanwork Notes

In this particular case, "modern-day" does not mean today, but the beginning of 17th century. But I think that this period is distant enough from Silmarillion and LotR, and close enough to today, to call this a modern-day story.

Big hug and thanks to Cairistiona for beta-reading.

Fanwork Information


Modern-day Maglor discovers one new drink invented by humans. He is doubtful at first, but after he tries it, the result will shock him.

Major Characters: Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General, Humor


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 518
Posted on 7 September 2022 Updated on 7 September 2022

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Worthy of the Valar

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I bet Morgoth drinks his coffee with milk and sugar. Heretic.

All of those emotions for coffee. Good ol' Mags. I bet he'll compose a few songs about it. 

Re: my comment on dreamwidth: I was right, I indeed bookmarked it.