After the Fall by Lferion

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After the Fall

Picking Up -- Ennor

Up and down the Western edge of Ennor had seen tremendous waves, earthquakes that rumbled and shook from the coast to the Hithaeglir and beyond. There were storms, sudden fires, floods and rockfalls. Even those who had witnessed the foundering of Beleriand said it was not the same, that this was a different order of thing, even with the similarities. More profound. A change in the Song of the world, the Song of Arda itself. It went on forever and no time at all, where the stars spun in the heavens, and some were afraid there would be no morning.

But the sun did rise, and the moon, on a world changed utterly, though most did not notice anything different. After all, any storm, wave, rumbling of the ground, flood or fire or rockfall could cause damage, throw things and people about. Most of the Men picked themselves up, sighed, and set to assessing the damage and rebuilding. For many of the Elves, and Dwarves, it was not so simple. For them the very ground under their feet was subtly different. The shadows cast by the landforms were changed. Yet they too picked themselves up, and began to build anew.

Mending -- Aman

Mending had its own grace, Ilverien thought, picking her way through the wreckage the storms brought by the coming of the Numenorians and the Changing of the World had wrought on the shores near the Cottage. None of the buildings above the seaward path had been damaged, but nearly all the beach-huts below the path had been turned into kindling. There was a low cliff between the path and the beach now, and many more rocks than before. Perhaps the rocks could stabilize the new topography. They would need new maps. But there would be no mending the newly-empty horizon.

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