Radiance by StarSpray

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Fanwork Notes

Inspired by the prompt generator's quote: "Nothing has changed, except everything." - David Mitchel, Cloud Atlas

Fanwork Information


Maitimo was crossing the courtyard, thinking of lunch, when his father burst out of his workshop, where he had been holed up for the last several days, neither eating nor, as far as anyone could tell, sleeping. “Maitimo!” he cried, eyes alight with the fire of success. “Come! Come and see!”

Major Characters: Fëanor, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships: Fëanor & Maedhros

Genre: Ficlet, General


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 663
Posted on 15 December 2022 Updated on 16 December 2022

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Radiance

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Oh, this is achingly beautiful! The awe of that first moment, the first touch of Feanaro's greatest creation, and the painful sensation of burning and painful sacrifice. So much feeling in so few words. Thank you for sharing!

This story has broken my heart this morning. Maitimo being able to pick up and marvel at his father's creations, and then the pain as Maedhros when the Silmaril burns him in rejection of his deeds since. Joy followed by tragedy - and this is so often how the Silmarillion makes me feel.

A lovely piece of writing.