The Lost Boys
The Lost Boys
“Voronwe Aranwion!”
Clearly I’m hallucinating.
It was the only explanation, really. Everyone who knew his name was either dead or in Gondolin. Hallucination was the only reasonable explanation.
“Welcome, Voronwe! I await you,” the voice said again.
Voronwe scowled. “Listen, I really don’t have time to be hallucinating…” His voice died out as he turned around and saw who was speaking.
“Ah, it is Voronwe, isn’t it?” said—well, Voronwe was still thinking he might be hallucinating. This person looked about seven feet tall, was built like a bull, and wore the brightest armor Voronwe had ever seen. It seemed like the thing to do was bow, and Voronwe followed his instincts.
“Yes, it’s Voronwe,” he said. “And…who are you, sir? I’ve been at sea so long I have no idea what’s going on back here. Have we won the war yet? Have the Hidden People come back?”
“Er, no,” said the stranger. “The Shadow’s been spreading and the Hidden City’s as hidden as ever.”
“Oh,” said Voronwe. He gave the stranger a bewildered look. “But who are you, then? No one’s lived in Vinyamar for years. And…wait a minute, here.” He frowned as realization dawned. “You’re human, aren’t you.”
“You called it,” said the now-apparently-human stranger. “And you’d be—let’s see, what was it— the last mariner of the last ship that sought the West from the Haven of Cirdan?”
“Well, yes,” said Voronwe. “But how the hell do you know who I am?”
“Funny story, that,” the stranger replied. “See, I talked to Ulmo last night and he said if I found you you’d be my guide.”
Voronwe gaped. “You’ve talked to Ulmo?”
“Sure have.”
“You’ve talked to Ulmo.”
“True story.”
“But…but…I mean, sir, where am I supposed to guide you to? I mean, you’ve got to be…a king, or something. Loads of people must be waiting for your commands.”
The stranger stared at him for a moment, and then threw back his head and roared with laughter.
“Oh, hell!” he snorted. “Me, a king! I like you, man. I haven’t heard anything that funny in…wait, are you being serious?”
“I was,” said Voronwe with some irritation. “You know, you still haven’t answered my questions.”
“Oh, right. Well, see, I’ve got this message to take to Turgon. Know how to find him?”
Now it was Voronwe’s turn to laugh. “Friend, even if you were a king I wouldn’t be able to take you to Turgon. No outsider can go past the gates of Gondolin.”
“I’m not asking you to take me farther than the gates. Me and Ulmo can take it from there,” replied the stranger confidently. “And I think I might have a fairly decent chance of getting in.”
“Oh, really?” said Voronwe. “And who are you that you’re so special?”
“Tuor, son of Huor, of the House of Hador,” answered the stranger. “And good lords, am I hungry.”